07: Hal

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I didn't even think. I grabbed my coat and left. I left everything behind. I left Megamind crying on the floor of the bedroom he so kindly gave me when I was in need. This makes me a horrible person.

I run. I ran until I physically couldn't anymore, until my lungs were hurting and stars were swimming across my vision. I felt that if I ran far enough I could escape what I've left behind.

It's never that simple.

I had no money, no transportation, no warm clothes, only myself and my thoughts that pierced through my mind like a clock ticking in a silent room. Except it gets louder and louder until all I could hear and think and feel was that clock ticking away.

I don't even have my phone. I'm alone in the city wearing nothing but a borrowed men's shirt and pants and a thin summer coat. My feet are scratched from the rough concrete and they ache with the cold. I stop underneath an overpass to catch my breath, and berate myself for doing such a stupid thing. It was nearing sundown and here I was, a barely clothed 21 year old woman, alone in the city with no means of communication or money.


I jump. I turned around to see a man looking at me from a window in the building behind me. He has curly ginger hair and is slightly overweight.

"Are you alright?" He calls down.

I debate on whether I should run or not, but it's cold and I'm miserable and have nowhere to go.

"Do you want to come inside? You have no shoes and it's really cold."

I nod and he disappears from the window. This is the most stupid thing, I should never trust strangers.

He reappears at the door in front of me and steps aside to let me in.

"Hey, sorry if I'm being a bother" I say, smiling at him.
"You aren't. It's dangerous to be out there alone. You can stay here for the night if you like? We can talk about you, or not, that's fine too."
I smile appreciatively.
"You're so kind." I rub my hands together in the sudden warm room.
"My name is Hal, by the way"
"Nice to meet you, Hal, I'm Jenna"

He shows me to a bedroom which has obviously not been inhabited in a while, but anything is good. While he goes to get something, I make sure there is a lock on the bedroom door, just to be safe. Once satisfied, I sit on the smooth blankets on the bed and look out the window.

Hal comes back with two cups of tea as sets one down on the nightstand next to me.

"Thanks" I say, sipping at the cup.
"It's no problem, what's a pretty lady like you doing out on the streets? It's winter."
"Oh, haha, funny story. I fell in love with this guy a couple months ago. I got into an accident and he allowed me to stay in his house to look after me, then he confessed his love to me this morning and I freaked and ran out."
"What? But you said you love him?"
" I don't know... Kinda feels like I'm a rebound from his ex wife."
"Oh.. How old is he then..? Jesus Christ"
"He's 28, we're only 7 years apart but it still feels like a lot. Sorry. I'm dumping my shit onto a stranger."
"Nah you're cool, it's nice to have company. You can stay here for as long as you need, I really don't mind. There's a phone just outside if you want to call him, and if the cops get notified that you're a missing person then I'll have to call them up and tell them you're here with me."
"Oh, yeah, thanks."
"No problem." He stands up, pats my shoulder and heads for the door.
"There are some clothes in the closet you could wear" he says, "and there's a bathroom just down the hall to the left, I'll be in my bedroom until morning so you don't have to worry about me walking in."

He walks out, and I hear a door shut. I lock the bedroom door and look in the closet. I see a wide variety of band tee's and choose one at random. It's a little baggy but I can deal with it.

I turn the light off and climb into bed. The giant window next to me has a view over the city, and I fall asleep in thoughts mixed with colourful street lights and darkness.

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