Chapter 23 | Everything Has Changed

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One year later, Miquel was caught in a tragic death. His death was caused by drowning in a family outing at a beach. Even if his body wasn't found, he was presumed to be dead. Emilia's father blames her for her brother's early passing.

After Emilia's miserable graduation, she ran away from her home and lived with her best friend. Her best friend's mother made them join a summer camp as a form of distraction. So that she won't be locked in her room all day.

The first week in camp was hell for her, she was given time to mourn but it wasn't enough for her. She doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't participate much in the camp activities, and gets herself into more fights whenever she's getting picked on by the other campers.

Emilia became the troubled camper although she's one of the eldest teens there. Bette isn't always around to defend her or be there for her, therefore most of the time she hides from everyone.

Meanwhile, in the first week of summer camp, Lana is interviewing Eudoria inside her cabin. "Thank you for your time, Eudoria. This summer camp for your employees' children is brilliant, people can really see how generous you are." She stands up to shake the hand of her interviewee.

Eudoria takes and shakes her hand, "Anytime, Lana, and thank you. You're a great writer and my company needs more people like you. Why don't you join my company?" The older lady sits down on her swivel chair once again as she proposes a job to Lana.

Lana's eyes twinkle and she sees an opportunity she shouldn't let go of. "However, before I invite you to work at one of my companies, I need you to do me a favor first." Eudoria continues her speech while piling up the documents on her table. "You see, we're currently looking for a camp counselor because the last one was giving out harsh punishments to the children. So, I need someone, and that will be you. I think that you'll be perfect for the replacement." The woman rises up from her seat to put the documents inside the file cabinet.

"Don't worry, your job is to ensure the safety of the children and make sure everyone participates. Plus, some troubling campers might visit your cabin so you are to aid them." As her hand pushes the drawer, she turns her head to Lana with a calming smile on her lips.

This was too good to be true for Lana. She's been showing off herself to Eudoria to get into her exclusive company. Now, her plan worked. Her head nods and her lips stretch into a smile. "Of course, I don't mind filling that position. Thank you again, Eudoria."

As they stepped out of the cabin, the sight of Lana caught Emilia's attention when she was passing by Eudoria's cabin. Lana didn't see her because she was busy chatting with Mrs. Tyler.

Two weeks later, Lana quits her current job to enter Eudoria's company. It's her first day of work. She has the cabin for herself since Eudoria already cleared her things out for Lana. A knock gathers Lana's attention as she's carrying a box of her belongings.

She puts down the box on the floor and dusts off her hands before marching towards the door. Lana's hand grabs the knob and pulls it open. "Hey," There's a blonde girl in front of her. Her shirt is ragged, her hair is a mess, and she has dirt all over her arms and pants. "Oh, my God, come in." She steps aside to let the girl in.

There's a camp instructor behind her who stops in front of Lana. "Hey, Miss Finlay, just dropping off Emilia once again. She fought with another camper- oh," The instructor was surprised to see Lana. "Oh howdy, I forgot that Miss Eudoria has a new counselor. Anyway, her friend said that she was provoked by Hannah." The guy explains the reason for the girl's visit. "I got to go, I'll check on Hannah. She has a lot of scratches, she's with Martha." He taps Lana's shoulder before jogging down the cabin's porch.

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