Chapter 2 | Never Forget You

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Weeks have passed. You won the bet and Vince is permanently working for Wilhemina as her assistant. You've earned her trust and she knows that she got no competitors around this building as the employees know what consequences await them if they even try to flirt with you. Plus, you're not the same as before. You don't flirt with anyone, you don't date behind Venable's back anymore, and it's because you're committed to her so much.

Now, you're already on your desk while updating and rewriting the material to be added to the magazine that the company is working on. You chose the job as an editorial assistant so you would put your bachelor's degree to good use.

After a while of endless typing and squeezing your brains out to produce something more on how the company's product will help people with their daily lives, you went out to take a little coffee break. You rather stroll outside the building than drink the hideous coffee that's in the staff lounge.

You usually take a smoke break before but Wilhemina made you quit smoking and only drink alcohol occasionally. She wants you to live healthily because she reasoned out that those vices may kill you faster than time itself.

You reach outside of the building and the great thing is that there's a cafe nearby so it won't be a tough exercise to step into. You just ordered a cup of cappuccino to go as you don't want to stay in the cafe alone. Speaking of being alone at the cafe, you avoid doing that often because you always tend to remember someone when you dine inside.

You're on your way back to the company with the paper cup in your hand and phone in the other as it starts to ring, you're receiving a call. It's from Vince. You did not hesitate to answer as you think that Wilhemina wants to inform you of something. "Hey, where are you?" Your pace of marching back to the building slows down while the other line speaks up because you don't want to bump into someone and spill your drink.

You're getting near the entrance and you try to push the heavy glass door open. "Let me help you." A kind woman offered to help as she pushes the door open.

As you are too occupied with your phone call to thank the woman, you just simply nod your head once with an affiliative smile on your lips, not even taking a glimpse of what the woman may look like. Your phone slipped out from your grip and you dropped it. An annoyed sigh left your mouth and you bend your knees to pick up your device on the ground.


A familiar voice, long forgotten, calls your name. It made you cease taking another step and your eyes widen, terrified in shock as you recall that voice. The phone in your hand is slowly sinking down over your chest, muffling the call that you are in.

You finally turn around to see who called you. Your skin turns white as if you have seen a ghost, eyebrows are pulled up, and lips are parted while you take an inaudible gasp of surprise. The strong light of the sun from outside makes her complexion vague yet you're familiarized with the person's silhouette.

Aghast and petrified you are, you have no idea what to do so you risk your coffee getting spilled as you run as fast as you can from the lobby. When you take a turn and hide behind a wall, you catch your breath and compose yourself. There are some employees who are eyeing you like you're a delusional woman. "(y/n)? You there?" You almost forgot about your phone call with your cousin and it snapped you back to reality.

"Uhh, yeah, sorry. I dropped my phone. What is it you were saying again?" Your head peaks from the direction you came from to see if you really imagining it or not. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth as the lobby is clear.

You thought that perhaps it was just an illusion as you come to the thought of her some minutes ago. "Miss Venable would like to inform you that she won't be able to join you at lunch. She has a meeting." Vince simplified his long talk a while ago when you were not paying attention. You did not respond but you just turn off the phone because your mind is occupied with something else.

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