Chapter 11 | One More Night

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It's been two weeks since Hilary started to work on your papers to transfer everything that your mother owns under your name. So basically, you're filthy rich right now. You just got your mom's old car, you've already visited the houses that your grandfather gave to your mom, and everything's perfect. 

All of these are excellent, a way for you to restart your life once again. You want to move away from this city since you don't want to run into people that you don't want in your life.

Now, you're packing your bags in your walk-in closet. You're getting ready to leave this hotel that has been your home for two months now. If you didn't show up to that reunion, then you'll be having bigger problems with where to get money without working a lot of jobs. 

While you're putting your belongings inside your suitcases, you're looking for something as well. It's already half past five in the afternoon and you remember that you're going out with your cousin. So you finish putting your clothes on the last luggage bag then you put food in Covyn's dish bowl before you get ready to go out. 

You drive your way to the resto-bar he sent you. He's already there, sitting near the window while holding his phone. You're late as usual. "Hey, jerk." you take off your sunglasses and take a seat in front of him. 

"You're never on time. Anyway, how's it going?" —he puts his phone down and leans closer to you— "I heard you're rich now, probably richer than me." an audible chuckle comes out of his mouth, "Any plan in mind?"

You roll your eyes and slightly scoff, "I'm moving away, gonna start a new life in a new city." your back meets the backrest of the chair as you lean away, "I do have a plan but I just need a little push to do it." your lips pucker to the side as you're rethinking what you're plotting.

"Just do it."

When your eyes are staring blankly at his background, you see Zach walking closer to your table. "Zach! What are you doing here? It's nice to see you." You rise from your seat and hug your friend. 

"Vince invited me but that's not important, Vince has something to tell you." 

You ordered drinks and food to eat then Vince spills his news. He said that he quits his job because according to him, working with Wilhemina has been hell, especially when you broke up with her.

"Oh, before you go, I have something for you and they are here in my car." Vince clicks the keys to unlock his car and the three of you walk to his vehicle. "I was cleaning the house, getting ready to move out and I found a box of your stuff." 

He opens the rear door of his car and pulls out a box, handing it to you, "Take care of yourself, (y/n), and good luck with your new life." Your cousin hugs you and Zach as well.

After you bid your goodbyes, you drove back to the hotel. It's almost dinner time but you don't fancy eating because of what you had in the resto-bar. You had some wings and a couple of beers because Vince was so happy that he keep on ordering alcoholic beverages.

You park your car and use the elevator to get to your floor. You're quite tipsy but you can still balance yourself.  Maria, one of the room service waitresses, comes out of your room with a cart being pushed by her hands.

Your head starts to wonder, "Hey, I didn't order anything when I was out." The lady stops when you approach her.

The waitress smiles and pauses before talking. "The lady inside your room did, looks like you have a visitor." Her Spanish accent makes her voice attractive. 

You nod your head and rush inside your room. You're thinking that Lana might have a surprise for you. However, once you open the door Wilhemina is there. "Hello, sweetheart." the sides of her lips lift as they form a smile. She rises from the armchair, "Too surprised to see me?" she must have observed your expression as words won't come out of your mouth.

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