Chapter 5 | Misery

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What happened two weeks ago was disastrous. Wilhemina got upset very much that the incident leads to a heated argument and an angry make-out session. You tried to set it off with teasing but it made her more furious.

You're being more careful with your actions and you're planning on avoiding Lana at all costs. You don't want to upset your girlfriend more so you'll adjust to everyone to evade mess.

Now, your brain is messed up as well. You've been drifting off more often, you're not your usual self these past few days. You can't even focus on your job and you don't know why you're having this kind of episode as if your brain is ignoring some problem that needs to be taken care of.

Cynthia taps your shoulder while you're staring blankly at your monitor screen. "(y/n), would you mind going to my office later before lunch?" You turn your office chair to face her as you are also pulled back to reality.

Let me guess, more work to be passed to me?

"Oh, sure. But may I ask what for?" You show a pleasant smile but your inner self is wishing that she won't put more work into your desk. Also, you're wondering where she gets the guts to boss you around when everyone knows that when Wilhemina finds out that someone's putting you under a lot of stress will lose their job.

Her teeth show when she stretches her lips to smile as well. "Just be there." She turns around and then strides off before you could even protest.

You check the time and it's just quarter to eleven. Lunch is at twelve so you have an hour to finish the article that you've been stuck on this whole morning. You try your best to finish your work so you can go to Cynthia's office before you have lunch.

After a while of typing, you take a glimpse of the time and it's thirty minutes before twelve yet you're still not finished with the article. You thought that if Cynthia will pass more work to you then you'll lose your mind.

With a deep sigh, you push your chair to roll off from the office table before you stand up. You drag your feet to Cynthia's office which is not too far from your office cubicle.

The blinds of her office are down so you're not sure if the lady is there so you knock twice and wait for permission before you enter the room. "Come in." A quite loud voice announces. Your hand twists the doorknob and then pushes it open.

When your eyes first entered the room, the first person you saw is Lana. You immediately close the door before blinking repeatedly to check if you're dreaming. "You can come in, (y/n)," Cynthia shouts from inside her office.

You compose yourself by breathing deeply before going in again. "Hey, Cynthia." Putting up an awkward smile but your eyes avoid having contact with Lana. The door closes behind you and you just stand there like an idiot not knowing what to do.

"I would like you to meet Miss Lana Winters, a friend of mine. We've been friends since college." She enthusiastically introduced your ex-girlfriend. "I suppose you should help her with the magazine we're working on since you're the most hardworking editorial assistant we have and she's the one checking if the magazine is good enough to publish."

With all the words she just said, you want to be deaf for a moment. You're slowly drifting to your thoughts when she said that you should help her. That would be the last thing you want to happen; to be with her again.

As you're lost in your thoughts, just staring at Cynthia. Your core aches and it made you groan while your knees cripple. It alarmed the two women and Lana rises from her seat to rush towards you, making you hold her hand. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" Her tone is full of worry.

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