"Remus I don't celebrate my birthday."

"That's bull. I could let the whole 'no birthdays' thing go when we were just friends but now that we're-." Remus hesitated, "-whatever we are I am celebrating your birthday."

"First of all: You can call me your girlfriend," Adeline said boldly then quickly backtracked, "If you want to call me your girlfriend you don't have to of course."

"I want to." Remus interjected with a smile at her blushing cheeks.

"Oh. Good." Adeline smiled then dropped back into a frown, "And second of all: No birthdays. I will happily not do anything for yours to make it even but we are not doing anything for mine. Even if it's a day other than my actual birthday. End of discussion."

"Bossing me around on our very first day of dating? Wow Wilson really starting off strong here." Remus joked.

"I'm sorry it's just a nonnegotiable thing."

"Effie got you that necklace for your birthday." Remus pointed to her neck.

"She graciously took me into her house when I was kicked out of mine. I could not particularly decline her gift Remus."

"Fine. No gift for my birthday and no gift for yours. But your Christmas gift is going to be spectacular."

"Bold of you to assume I'll still be dating you next Christmas." Adeline teased.

"Oh you can't escape me Miss Wilson. I'm all in."

Adeline reached out and squealed his hand, "Right back at ya."


"Do I look good?" Adeline was going to a record high of two Hogwarts parties in one year. It was Remus' birthday and while she skipped out on her friends' birthday parties, she could hardly miss her boyfriend's. Damn did she like saying that. She had put on a simple lavender dress that was a lot more showy than she typically wore.

"You look amazing." Mary answered then smirked, "And Remus will think so too."

"Good." Adeline smiled relieved. "But why couldn't the boys have planned a night with just us?"

"Because James and Sirius use any excuse they can find to throw a party." Lily said with a laugh, "They get it from Effie."

"Merlin I hate parties." Adeline said with a sigh. "And I can hardly make Remus hide out in the corner with me on his own birthday."

"I don't think you'd be making him. He would gladly do it on his own." Dorcas told her.


"Girl he is whipped. He will doing anything you want." Marlene joked.

"I am just as whipped sadly. I spent four hours baking a cake for this party." Adeline looked at the girls frantically, "Don't tell him I baked the cake. He might see that as a gift and then try to get me something."

"In exchange for our secrecy you should tell us when your birthday is." Dorcas suggested.

"Fuck off." Adeline joked.

a sheep in wolf's clothing// remusWhere stories live. Discover now