01 - Ross

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I was sitting in my office like I always do. It was a cold, boring Wednesday evening and I was waiting for the clock to hit 5 o'clock so I could leave.
"Alright Jenna" my manager, Ross, walked in, "I need you to set up a meeting for me at 10am tomorrow. A very fine established gentleman would like to invest in our products. It'll last about an hour. Could you do that for me? I know you clock out in 10 mins and my day is filled tomorrow, but you'll be a lifesaver if you do this. Thanks."
He ducked out the door. I sighed and began tapping on my keyboard. Fine established gentleman? What fine established gentleman would be interested in a range of leather belts? It's alright, I'm getting paid for my 12 hours overtime this week.

Looking at the name on the email Ross forwarded to me, I couldn't help but chuckle. The "fine established gentleman" was named Megamind. Who lovingly carries a child in their body to then give birth to it and call it Megamind? Oh well. I schedule the meeting, log out, collect my things, and leave.

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