Chapter Thirteen: 2/2

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We walk into a firework store on the outskirts of the main city, not wanting to risk going all the way into town. They had pink, thankfully so we got what we needed and got out quickly. I kept an eye out making sure no one was following us; Jared and Gale are waiting in the parking lot in their car. They liked to stay to themself, per my orders. I didn't like having a shadow and didn't need them, but it would be stupid not to have some kind of backup in case something went down that I couldn't handle. They were there for security.

"I've had fun today." She says as we approach our car but the closer, we get I notice about a dozen bikes driving into the parking lot, their loud engines roaring through the open place causing echoes to sound off through the air.

She stumbles and I catch her before she falls completely. Her heart was beating so fast that I was scared she would have a heart attack. "It's okay, calm down. No one is going to hurt you, I promise."

I look around for anything that would have tipped them off but once I spot the clerk with the phone in his hand, I realize that they have put out a watch for Maddie. Meaning she wasn't safe anywhere close to Trickett. Anywhere she went, they had eyes everywhere.

That was it, she wasn't getting out of my sight anymore. Job be damned. She could work for me; I'd find something for her to do. I knew she wouldn't like that. She loves to bake, but her safety comes first, and these pieces of shit are ticked off enough to push this matter.

Ben, here I come, to sign my life away.

Jared and Gale step out of their truck and come stand by me and Maddie. She still trembling despite my encouragement, and I didn't like that. There was no reason for her to be this scared, especially around me.

Their leader pulls up on his bike, right in front of us, blocking off our route to our vehicles.

"Well, if it isn't the goddamn snitch herself. What do we have here?" He chuckles evilly and Maddie steps behind me entirely, not wanting him to see her and I felt her clutching onto my shirt.

He goes to step closer but Jared and Gale step in front of me, their faces deadly. Vickers holds his hands up while chuckling. "Don't worry I didn't come to fight ... today." He was tattooed up, most of them looking like nonsense, all but The Forefathers brand on his neck. His hair looked greasy, and his teeth could use brushing.

"Just came to repay a message, to my friend here." He stands on his tippy toes to try and lay his eyes on her, but I block his view entirely. He starts talking louder so that she can hear him.

"Payback is due, sunshine. Your Voiceless protector will eventually have better things to do." He chuckles. "Surprised a man of his breed even wants used goods anyways."

Used goods?

I peek over my shoulder to see her fist clenching my t-shirt so hard her wrist was shaking, and her eyes were closed, she was trying to block him out.

Used goods?

Oh, fuck no.

Rage as deep as the ocean consumed me and I walked right past my bodyguards. Vaguely aware of Gale standing in front of Maddie now. Slowly the pieces come together, her nightmares, her vague story. I knew she was holding back but my imagination couldn't even fathom someone ...

My teeth clenched so hard I'm scared they would crack. I draw back and sock him right in his shit. His men make a move to defend him, but he holds up one hand while the other clutches his jaw. the sick bastard just laughs.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and jack him up to my eye level. All of his men shifted from one foot to the other restlessly. Waiting on him to tell them to do their job. He seems to be enjoying this.

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