Chapter Fourteen: I see you 1/2

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Mom: I know I messed up, but I promise I didn't miss Finnic's wedding on purpose. I was on my way when my tire blew out and your father had to come to me by the time, I got everything fixed it was too late. I've tried apologizing to Finnic, but he won't answer and won't message me back. Please talk to him for me and tell him I'm sorry.

I look down at the phone in my hand, wishing that my brain could just focus on the simple, normal problems in my life, but I couldn't. Not when I'm standing in a room full of biker men, staring at me as I intrigued them.

Everyone seemed shocked that Harley was here, I'm guessing that this Ben guy was the leader of these men and somehow Harley was connected to him. He had told Vickers earlier that he was his second in command, but to be that high up in this club would these men be this shocked to see him?

Nothing was making sense anymore. All I knew was that this was the only way I was getting out of getting killed or kidnaped by Vickers and the Forefathers. I scan the faces of these men that tried to act like they were busy, but I could feel them stealing glances at me. Were these men any better? Would they not kill or rape?

They were a gang after all. It almost seemed like I was getting rid of one demon with the protection of another. What would Finnic think about all of this? Would he have wished I wouldn't have got the police involved?

Then, Vickers would have got away with what he did to me, and the idea made me sick to my stomach.

How had my once simple life turned so complicated so fast? It made no sense how I, of all people, had ended up in such a mess. I stayed to myself for the most part, but yet somehow I ended up in a situation I don't if I'm going to make it out of.

I want my life back. I want to return to planning baby showers and bachelorette parties and even having a slight crush on my brother's best friend. I didn't want this, Harley was involved with these people for me. Somehow, I felt like him being here but putting his life in more danger than when he punched the leader of The Forefathers in the jaw.

"So, what's he like?" The man that Harley had been talking to before he left turned to me and asked.

I almost forgot that Harley had lied and said we were together. I'm not sure the reasoning behind it but I wasn't going to question him in front of all of these rough-looking men. I was already twisting my fingers together in nervousness. I couldn't tell if they were all sneaking glances at me or if it was just my social anxiety acting up.

I twist my fingers together repeatedly wishing I could disappear because I had no idea how to answer that. What would Harley be like as a lover?

"I mean. I'm curious ..." He glances at me again waiting on an answer. "He always seems so distant from everyone that cares about him."

I could feel the hurt in his words, Harley not coming around much has hurt him, I'm not sure what their relationship is but it was more than just acquaintances. How is Harley connected to this club of bikers? He seemed so different, but I couldn't help but notice that this man asking me all the tough questions looks like Harley with a beard. Were they related?

"He's protective ... kind." I stick to as much of the truth as I can manage because it was true that Harley was protective over me, and he had been nothing but kind. He has stuck up for me repeatedly growing up, he has taken me into his house when I come with a burden a normal man would run from.

The door opens and I glance behind me to see Jared and Gale walking side by side. They are laughing amongst themself they seemed accustomed to the place. When Gale notices I'm alone he comes to stand by me, almost blocking me from the boyish man that was talking to me.

Separately TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora