Chapter Eight: 2/2

Start from the beginning

"Isn't he bad news?" Natalie asks me, straight out. "I've heard of him getting into so many fights in high school." She added when she saw my confused gaze.

Maybe she wasn't new to town, how haven't I noticed her before?

"T- the only f- fights he's got in were for a -a good reason," I explain, because I had to stick up for him, them fights were mainly for me or my brother.

"Oh no, disrespect or anything. It's just rumors I've heard." Natalie apologizes and I can tell she's genuine with it, I backtrack a little as they go to sit on the couch awaiting Liz. Was I just getting defensive over Harley's honor? He didn't need my help with that, that man didn't care what people thought of him but...

Suddenly, I did.

As if we had caused his ears to itch, he messaged me suddenly. We had been keeping in touch. Messaging each other now and again, he's crashed on my couch a couple of times since the last. I didn't question him much because he showed up when it was so late, I didn't have it in me to be curious that late at night.

Harley: Tell me again why I agreed to this.

The boys must be giving him a tough time, I wonder what about.

Me: Because you have a soft spot for my brother.

I reminded him that he would take a bullet for my brother. Harley and Finnic use to be so close that Harley practically lived with us for months at a time when his mother would have one of her binges. The only reason that he didn't move in was because of his sister. I had overheard him turning down Finnic's offer when he had shown up with a red handprint across his cheek.

Harley: Good point. I wonder what you would be able to talk me into doing.

My heart leaped and galloped like it was trying to get free from a stable on fire. Was he insinuating that I had more pull over him than them, my brother? His best friend in the entire world. There was absolutely no way that's what he meant.

Me: What are they bothering you about?

I decided a diversion was needed before tingles erupted inside me again. Did I even want to know what those men talked about when not a woman was in sight? It was a scary thought.

Harley: You.

It wasn't a good diversion, what could they possibly be saying about me that was getting under Harley's skin? Which was a feat that I once thought impossible.

Me: Me?

Harley: Yes, you. Asher brought up seeing us eating breakfast at that time. Now they are hell-bent on tormenting me. I have half a mind to beat the shit out of all of them.

Me: That wouldn't be nice.

Harley: Maybe not but it would make me feel better.

Me: Just remember that it's all for Finnic.

I try to calm him down, but I was really curious about what was being said about me, it piqued my interest that they were using me as a way to get to Harley. They had balls, I had to give them to them. The man was a force to be reconned with. They would regret it, later.

"You're blushing." Liz's sharp voice comes from behind my ear like she had been reading out messages along with me. I jump a little and turn my phone off quickly. "It's Harley, isn't it?" She hadn't seen too much, or she would have noticed the name at the top of the screen.

I wanted to lie but Liz would see right through me. She had this weird way of seeing through me. "Yes, it was Harley." She shrieked a little from excitement.

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