007: Harley Quinn 2.0

Start from the beginning

A genuine smile formed upon his coral plump lips, "Hopefully, that's how you will feel in the next couple days."

I stared at that smile that seemed forged from the sun, something innocent that rested upon upon a sinner, "You should smile more often, it suits you," I added.

Hulk expression shifted at my statement, almost like he became torn in that moment. He turned his back to near the door, his fingers about to grasp the handle.

"Why are you leaving? They won't let me off this easy in reality and you know that. Best do your job Hulk otherwise I might die because you took easy on me," I sang, attempting to pry him back into the room.

"What if I kill you?" I faintly heard him whisper.

"Hulk, do your job." I flatly stated.

Hulk's back muscles strained against the shirt; I could see them shift in them. A few minutes passed by before he turned around to walk back to me, a growl escaping his lips as I could particularly make out steam seeping from his nostrils. He landed another fist into my stomach, the accumulation of agony draining my muscles and this still brought amusement to me. A sadistic laugh flowed through my cells.

After, I couldn't even find the strength to lift up my head, muscles aching while the temperature increased. Energy, demolished within hours of Hulk's handy work. Hulk walked to the door, this time I did hear him, "I'm sorry."

Before he could close the door behind him, "Same time tomorrow!" I screamed in joy.

His bun moved back and forth, a slight chuckle escaped his lips, "You're going to fit right in," before closing the door behind him, turning the light off.


I assume from these past couple of days, the suffering they attempted to cause me didn't work. I only craved each moment. Surprisingly, they didn't bother to physically scar me just attempting to emotionally. Sure, my body is lathered in bruises of purple and blue but not once did they decorate it with a trusty knife.

This purposely backed them into a corner, to cause temporary damage and a s much pain as possible. Which resulted in, three broken ribs within a short amount of time. What they didn't expect to happen is for me to rejoice in the event, to take pleasure from the experience. I could almost catch a glimpse of terror in their eyes when they continued to torture me, some also peeked with fascination.

My posture hunched over in the same chair, sweat trickling down my body. I haven't had food in the span of my time here and water is limited sips that would sustain my survival. It's obvious that the tactic is to attempt to break me mentally from the inside. Only, it didn't even phase in slightest but I found it intriguing at my capabilities.

The humidity within the room made my dress stick like a second skin. Inhaling and exhaling at a controlled pace that didn't make my brain kick into a frenzy.

The door opened for the second time today and I faintly made out the person, "Hulk! Twice in one day. I'm honored," I teased.

"I know you are," he playfully remarked.

"So, what's your weapon of choice today baby? Finally using a knife?" I smiled.

He shook his head, "Sadly not."

I raised my eyebrow intrigued by him when he commanded, "Bring it in."

Two men suddenly appeared, similar in stature to Hulk. They were pushing in a gigantic metal tub that was filled to the brim with water, the tub had enough space to fit the Hulk in. They situated it in front before going back outside, just when I thought they dampened my fun. In they walked with four bags of ice. Ripping apart each plastic, on either side of the tub, the ice flowed into it. The water seemingly escaping its confinements as it messed the floor. Hulk's minions racked their fingers vigorously through the ebony waves which concealed their features.

When the tub is filled with its assortments, I found the ultimate goal in this specific attempt, "Finally, I needed a bath." I rejoiced.

Minions apparently didn't know about me since they turned in the direction of Hulk, he nodded his head which I'm fairly certain meant: 'Yes, this bitch is crazy.'

When the line of communication ran thin both minions retreated behind me, untying my legs before breaking the backrest of the wooden chair off, which meant they didn't want to untie my wrists. I raised my eyebrow at Hulk for an explanation, "You will try to escape," he answered.

"Makes sense." I hummed.

The minions held my wrists in their tight grip, I stared at the ice bath. The reflection of my distorted figure appearing in it. Hulk walked over to me, "What? Not the two of us anymore?" I pouted in disappointment.

"Afraid not," he remarked.

Instantly, they threw my body inside the tub, the heat that crippled my skin contrasted with the iceberg that I am surged in, it sent stings of needles throughout my body. As I came up for air, my vision slightly blurred from the water, I spat the contents that filled my lungs from the surprise. Words were on the tip of my tongue before I felt my hair being harshly yanked back under, strong hands holding me down. The temperature changed, a sizzling sensation boiling the blood in my veins. I could feel the water filling my lungs once again before they pulled me back up.

I left no room to think, taking a gulp of air as I spat the water out. The moment is short lived when they repeated their action, only this time I didn't thrash my body around. I solely focused my energy on not inhaling, controlling the anatomy of my brain. Dependent on the air in my lungs, my muscles fading into the agony that I welcomed. My body rigid as I felt them sprout out incoherent echoed words. I waited, patiently as they pulled me back up. I didn't move or breath, one of them started lightly slapping my face. From another perspective, my limps where lose when I fell into Hulk's arms against the tub.

"Shit! Did she drown?" One of them asked, his scorching breath against my tempered skin.

At those words, I smirked. Smugly opening my eyes as I headbutted Hulk's face, hard. The throb in my head making me snicker as I smashed Hulk's face into the metal tub that slightly knocked him unconscious. Minion number one is about to drag me back under, when I elbowed him in the face and grabbed his collar, tugging him under.

I waited, studying the way he struggled, a satisfied smile appearing on my lips. I felt control slip, the texture of something covering my mouth, the discomfort of my body succumbing to its drowsiness as my lids felt heavy and I put them out of its misery.

 I felt control slip, the texture of something covering my mouth, the discomfort of my body succumbing to its drowsiness as my lids felt heavy and I put them out of its misery

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And they say women are shit.

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