004: Tangled

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|Diavolo Tchenkov|

I stared at the temptress in front of me, fully clothed and still desirable with the hugging of each fabric. With or without clothes she resembled unearthly beauty which brought a smile to my inner demon, this plan will be more fulfilling in more ways than one. A vixen on the frontline, men's deepest fantasies to life through her.

"Told you, they always come back," she smirked, her crimson lip plump and juicy.

Sipping my whiskey, I can understand the fascination these men had with her. She attracted power, enchanting the most powerful men in my line of work and bringing them to their knees. Which is what made her fascinating to me, especially to the family.

"Indeed, but not what for what you have in mind." I replied.

Her perfectly curved eyebrows scrunched up in confusion while she crossed her arms, which perked her breasts up through the tank top. She is such a tease without the knowledge that simple acts will drive men insane.

"Let's walk." I stated, as I stood up from the chair.

"I would really love to chat about all this, but I really need to get going," she urged, attempting to escape my grasp.

In an instant, I knew the reason why. "To your other job, Golden Throne."

My features mirrored the same dominant exterior that I display in my meetings and this is no different. Only, she changed her entire persona. A scowl replacing the once dazzling smile of her pearly whites, those icy blue eyes spat venom without a word escaping her tight lips. She flicked a switch and I found it marvelous.

"I know all about your other job, Isadora Xara." I stated, cutting the chitchat of regular avoiding the obvious.

"What exactly do you want?" She hissed, laying her weight on her left leg that prepped out her ass for a distraction.

"Well, I have a preposition for you but let's talk more in my car." I motioned for her to walk first towards the entrance but she remained in her spot.

"How do I know you aren't going to kill me?" She sternly asked, raising her eyebrow at me cautiously.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would've been dead by now. I will take you by force if I have to," my tone turned lethal at this point, my patience ran thin in many instances and this is one of them.

"Fine," she gritted, walking in front of me with the identical sway in her hips that bewitched many.

Nikolai waited outside of the car, dressed in his usual midnight suit that occasionally held a tie if he felt in the mood. The limo is situated directly outside of the club, Isadora didn't have to guess which way to go. Niko's piercing gaze landed on me as I nodded for him to open the door for her, she halted her step. Turning around, she continued to give me a skeptical look of whether I would hold up on my end and force her inside.

Yes, I fucking will.

My stare became cold, she knew I wasn't going to tolerate her fucking shit. She cursed under her breath before jumping into the backseat, I slid in next to her as Niko closed the door. His position didn't change, he stood outside of the door for further precautions if this meeting is disrupted. I actually anticipated an interruption, this night seemed like a torture one.

"Okay, what do you want?" She urgently pressed, her position shifted so that our world would almost collide.

"Cutting right to the chase? I like that." I added.

Isadora's intoxicating orbs rolled at my flirtatious nature, her gaze impenetrable and still I could see her analyzing my features while she pressed her thighs together, hoping the action would go unnoticed.

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