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' 1 week before the farewell '

Irsyadina menulis 'countdown' hingga hari pulang pada papan putih bilik prep kami. Manakala aku hanya menatap kosong ke arah papan itu.

" Banyaknya tulisan. " Aku berbisik.

" Kan.. " Irsyadina mengiakan. Dia memandang aku dengan penuh makna, seperti terpendam seribu rasa. Senyuman manis dihulurkan .

Aku mula baca satu per satu.

" Aku tak boleh bayang nanti. "

" Maksudnya? " Aku keliru.

" Bila semua dah tak ada.."




" Aku sayang sangat batch ni. " Ucapku sambil kembali menatap tulisan-tulisan yang ditulis oleh rakan-rakanku.

" But I don't know if they'll ever feel the same. I mean, sedih tu biasa la of course. Tapi rasa something yang lain..

It's like a feeling of being in home. Do they even realize I've spent more time with each one of them rather than my own family...

And we all could relate to the unpleasant feelings of being apart from home right..?

Well I'm not saying I don't love my family but there's some kind of comfort my friends have that my family would never understand. "

I lifted my gaze and looked directly into her eyes..

" Irsyadina..

..Aku tahu kita jarang cakap. But if one day we're not friends anymore, will you miss me the same way as I do? "

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