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We were having lunch peacefully when suddenly an intrusion alarm sounded. Everyone started panicking but I continued eating my food.

"Yn! What are you doing?! We have to evacuate!" Izu tried pulling me out of my seat.

"Mm- Wait! Just one more noodle. Slurp- Ok!" And with that I was dragged away by Izu.

"Hold up! Wait! Slow down! Ah-" The crowd was shoving everyone around so much that I and Izu got separated.

I couldn't spot the rest of our group either. Well isn't this just great.

I just let the crowd push me along with its current. Fuck man, all this people is going to give me claustrophobia.

It's so loud. I can't escape from the crowd.

Oh god, I'm getting a panic attack. I started hyperventilating.

At some point, I was shoved against a wall and I tried my best to stay glued to it.

I'm grounded. I'm grounded. I feel the wall. I smell- I can't breathe-

Then a tall shadow loomed over me. I was caged in between someone's arms.

I looked up with tears in my eyes to see the purple insomniac boy.

I think my tears were obstructing my vision because he somehow looked concerned for me.

I could barely hear his words. They were fading in and out.

"... Are you okay?..."

I instinctively grabbed onto his shirt. I shook my head. Some tears slipped from my eyes.

I felt arms wrap around me protectively and comfortingly.

"...deep breaths..."

Breathe in... Breathe out... breathe in...

"... What do you feel?..."




He pulled my head closer to his chest.

"...What do you hear?..."


"Yes." I could finally hear my thoughts again.

I sniffled and buried my head deeper into his shirt. I wrapped my arms around him.

He didn't seem to care that my tears had wet his shirt.

"Are you okay now?" His deep voice croaked.

I nodded against his chest. "Thank you..."

I felt his hand run through my hair comfortingly. I could hear the hum of his voice.


Once the crowd had dispersed slightly, the purple insomniac boy, who I've come to know as Shinso, escorted me back to my class.

His hand was on the small of my back guiding me through the hall.

"I thought you hated my class." I chuckled.

"You're tolerable I guess..." His response made me smile.


"The fight isn't over yet." Our mummified teacher said.

Damn, dramatic much?

Turns out that UA's annual sports festival is coming up. The only reason everyone was taking it so seriously was because everyone would be watching and we'd get offers for internships with pro heroes.

I don't have to worry about that though, since even if I got no offers, I'd be able to intern with Papa.


Everyone has been training their asses off for this festival. Hence, here I am with the Baku squad. Kitkat and I got dragged along to train with the rest of the Baku squad.

If it was up to me, I'd be lazing around at home. But no. I've gotta be kicked out of my own home during this fine weekend.

"C'mon Yn! The sports festival is on Monday! You gotta start training!" Pikapika yelled out to me from their push-up circle.

Yeah that's what they call it. Doing push ups in a circle, Sero, Kiri and pikapika. Ashido had ditched us to buy us some drinks.

"No thanks." I sighed as I continued relaxing, sitting against a tree.

Kitkat didn't even want to be here. He 'didn't want to train with some extras'. So he's also lazing against the tree beside me.

"Awww come on Bakugo! Don't tell me you're too pussy to join us!" Pikapika taunted kitkat.

It worked.

"WHAT?! YOU THINK I'D LOSE TO YOU DUNCE FACE?!" He was provoked into joining the push up circle.

I laughed. "It's not fair though, you started later than them~" I teased kitkat.

"Fine! I'll do it with extra weights then!" He huffed, not stopping his exercising.

"And how will you do that, kitkat? We didn't bring any extra weights-"

"Shut up and get on my back, extra!"


That's how I ended up lying on his back with my legs and arms crossed.

"The view looks great from up here kitkat!" I joked.

"Just shut up and keep count!" He snapped.

"Oh? I lost count a long time ago."


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Pikapika laughed so hard he gave up the push up competition.

"I'm done- I can't- I lose-" He wheezed.

"Alright I think we've done enough. We can stop now, Bakugo." Sero announced as he got up.

Kiri was still going strong though. And Kitkat wasn't going to back down until Kiri gave up.

I then switched my position on Kitkat's back. I lay with my stomach down instead of back to back.

'Fuck her boobs are pressing against my back-'

"SIT DOWN PROPERLY EXTRA!" Kitkat suddenly scolded me.

"But why? This is comfortable~" I whined as I laid my head against his back and wrapped my arms around his abdomen.

I could practically feel his muscles contract with every movement.


Oh, Ashido came back!

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