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Private Chat

Get down here Yn.
I know you're awake.
Stop trying to skip training.



And with that, here I am again. At papa's hero agency yet again.


"Hi Yn." My depressed thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Jiki's soft voice.

My depressive aura immediately turned to a flowery one in the presence of my close friend Tamaki Amajiki, also known as, Jiki.

"JIKI~ Oh it's so good to see you again! I missed you soooo much~" I threw myself onto him and gave him a big side hug.

I didn't notice his small blush.

"It's nice to see you too Yn. But we just saw each other yesterday-" He didn't return my hug but he did pat my back.

"IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER JIKI~" I had anime tears running down my cheeks.

I was then suddenly pried off of Jiki.

"Alright Yn! No more lazing around. It's time for training!" Papa's hand was practically carrying me by my head.

I groaned in response.

What training you may ask? Training for the UA entrance exam next year of course. Papa could've just recommended me to the school and I would've gotten in the easy way but no we always gotta make things hard for Yn don't we?


Why are we still here?

Just to suffer.

I'm currently sitting in the giganamasaurus auditorium on my assigned seat. Papa was a real bitch this morning. He woke me up yelling that I'm late and I actually believed him.

I'm the biggest idiot alive. All the others died from stupidity already and I'm next. Yay.

So here I am, head down on the mini table trying to get some extra sleep since I'm here a bit TOO FUCKING EARLY thanks to my great pops.

Fortunately I did get some shut eye. That was until this robotic boy rudely woke me up and started nagging at me.

"Excuse me! You should not be sleeping! You need to be alert and prepared for the entrance exam! If you are not taking this seriously, you shouldn't even be here!"

"Sheesh my dude, calm your tits. I don't need a stranger yelling at me this early in the morning." I interrupted his nagging while covering my eyes with my hands.

"I am Tenya Iida! And I will have you removed from this auditorium if you do not stop-"

"ALL RIGHT PARTICIPANTS SETTLE DOWN!" My savior, Present Mic, ended robo-boy's nagging.

Turns out robo-boy was my assigned seat mate in the auditorium so I'll try being on my best behavior for the sake of my ear drums.

I supported my head with my hand under my chin. I tried to pay attention to Present Mic's speech but I just ended up zoning out for the most of it.

Of course Mr Karen beside me had something to say at the end of it as he started pointing out that a broccoli boy had been muttering the entire time.

I grabbed onto his arm and yanked him back down into his seat. "Oh give the cute nervous wreck a break robo-dude." I muttered lazily.

My words definitely had an effect on broccoli boy. I didn't notice the boy turn into a blushing mess.


He then started explaining that we would be fighting robots that had different points and how the point system worked and shit. I couldn't be bothered to pay attention.

Hm, if I voluntarily fail, Papa would probably still recommend me to the school to get me in right? So why try so hard?

"ALRIGHT LET THE EXAM BEGIN IN 3!" Present Mic's voice cut off my train of thought.


Fuck I'm not ready.


Hey look, it's a mini grape dude.


And with that everyone started sprinting into the battle ground.

I strolled along.

Oh this is gonna be easy. I used the water in my water bottle to form an ice sword. With my weapon I swiftly defeated any robot that came in my way, not caring about the amount of points they provided me.

Oh damn that was a 20 point robot.

I had simply just sliced it in half. Eh, I guess that's enough points for me then.

From my peripheral vision I saw the grape boy from earlier and a pikachu dude working together to take down a 10 point robot.

Awh friendship is magic.

Unfortunately, grape boy is a coward and he made pikachu protect him. The 2 were getting surrounded at this point by multiple 10 point robots.

I was going to help them until Pikachu unexpectedly used a wide range electric attack that immobilized all the robots surrounding them.

It seems that Pikachu had overused his quirk as he seemed to go dumb and numb afterwards.

They may be immobilized but they're still not dead, which means they haven't gotten the points yet.

Grape boy seemed to understand this fact too since a sinister smile grew on his face. He started throwing his grape hair at each robot, deactivating them. Hence, defeating them and allowing him to gain all the points.

What the fuck? I'm pretty sure that's cheating.

The grape boy proceeded to abandon his pikachu buddy despite him clearly being vulnerable. Poor dude had other robots approaching him.

Fuck it. I swooped pikachu boy into my arms, princess carry style. Then I proceeded to take care of all the robots trying to hurt my baby pikachu.

Yeah I really felt like a Mama Pikachu at that moment.

Pikachu boy woke up mid-way. "Hey pretty princess." I greeted him while fending off the robots.

I noticed that he flushed red from realizing the position he's in. "A-are you talking to me?" He asked.

Funny how he's going with the meme.

"Are there any other pretty princesses around?" I chuckled.

"No it's just that's what my father used to call me." He started making a meme face.

" He started making a meme face

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I wheezed. "YOU'RE FUNNY BRO I'll get your number after this. Let's be friends."

He then made a sound as if he was shot. "Friend zoned already."

I laughed some more. Who knew an exam could be fun?

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