"I'm scared mom I-"

"I can't lose you wanda! No!" natasha watched as wanda's face faded away and all was left on natasha's lap was dust, her daughter's dust. She screamed in pure agony and pain, she wasn't the same after that.

5 painful years without wanda maximoff.

Natasha felt like for the past 5 years she was simply existing, floating with no purpose, her daughter was gone.

The first year of wanda being gone was one of the worst times in nat's life. All she did was lay in her daughter's bed and sob. Steve tried getting her out and to eat something but she didn't because it wasn't fair.

Wanda's birthday came around, she was supposed to be turning 15 and running to her mother's room to go make her cake, a tradition they've had together since wanda was little.

Steve found natasha making the cake by herself, tears running down her cheeks.

Everyday for those 5 years, the russian would go through all her photos and videos with her daughter and even finding videos wanda took, she laughed as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks once again. Wanda loved stealing her phone when she wasn't in the room.

They finally had a chance to bring everyone back, to bring wanda back. As the people who were blipped were showing on the hologram, the redhead could barely look as she saw wanda's face come up, it was still as painful as it was 5 years ago. She just learned how to hide it better.

Vormir. All they had to do was go there, get the stone and come back.

Clint and natasha were walking when they heard a voice, "Clint barton son of edith, natasha romanoff daughter of ivan"

How in a few minutes did everything got even worse.

"Nat don't do this!" clint said holding onto her hand for dear life, they were hanging off the edge of the cliff. One wrong move and nat would fall to her death.

"Clint please we need to get everyone back, to get w-wanda back"

"We can find another way! not sacrificing yourself!"

Natasha smiled sadly, "there is no other way clint. Promise me you'll take care of her?"

Clint shook his head, he couldn't let her do this.

"Clint please I need to know you'll look after her, to tell her I love her more than I could ever put into words"

Clint couldn't hold back his tears, "you're all she has nat, you can't do this please" he whispered.

"Tell her I'm sorry and that she'll be okay. She will always be my little dekta and I love her"

She pushed her feet against the stone, she fell and hit the bottom.

Natasha romanoff was dead. She sacrificed herself for everyone to come back but she did it for wanda.

They finally beat thanos, they did it. Wanda had been trying to look for her mother but with so much going on she couldn't find her.

"Uncle clint!" she yelled as she ran to clint, she saw his body stiffen but shrugged it off as being tired.

"Where's mom? I haven't seen her this whole time"

He could barely get his words out, "Wanda-"

Wanda realized the way he was looking at her like he did when pietro died. No, she was just tired, her mother was fine.

"Where is she clint?" she said with a sharp tone in her voice trying to hide the fear in her voice, she never called clint just clint, it was always uncle clint.

"Wanda I'm so sorry"

He told her and wanda refused to believe it. Clint knew wanda will go in his mind to see it for herself because she doesn't believe him and he didn't want her to see that image in his mind. He couldn't let her be haunted with the image of nat laying at the bottom of the cliff.

"Wanda no, don't do it to yourself"

It was too late, wanda looked and she saw the only person she had, dead at the bottom of the cliff. Her legs gave out as she fainted.

She woke up in her room, she was confused.


She saw clint stand up from where he was sitting and when she saw him, she remembered everything, natasha was gone and she started letting out heart wrenching sobs and screams. Clint held her as she cried.

She screamed and hit him against his chest in anger, in sadness and all the other emotions she was feeling. He let it happen knowing she was just grieving and didn't know what else to do with herself.

"I want m-mom!" she sobbed, she was losing her voice.

Clint held her tighter, "I know wanda I'm so sorry, it's okay let it out"

They stayed there for 2 hours before eventually wanda cried herself to sleep, clint tucked her in bed as quiet as he could without waking her up, she softly whimpered for nat before falling asleep completely.

It was about a month later after nat died and wanda was still the same, clint took care of her the most out of the others. He wanted to keep the promise natasha asked him to, the other avengers helped as much as they could but they all knew the person she wanda needed wasn't someone that could come.

Steve finally found a possible way to bring her back, he didn't want to mention anything about it to wanda not wanting to get her hopes up if it didn't work.

2 weeks later steve went back in time and put all the stones back.

A few minutes went by and clint's phone started ringing, nat's face popped up, it worked.

Wanda was in the russian's bed silently crying again while wearing nat's hoodie and cuddling her pillow, it's all she really did ever since it happened. She heard a knock on her door again.

"Go away clint!" she yelled her voice hoarse.

She heard the door open which was weird, clint always said if he's coming in anyway. She sat up ready to tell him to leave when she saw natasha in the doorway. She felt like she would faint again like she did when clint told her the news that made her life fall apart.

"M-mom?" she said whispering, was she losing her mind and hallucinating her mother?

Natasha felt her heart ache at the state of wanda and the way her eyes were so dull, they used to have so much light.

"Dekta" she said and ran up to wanda quickly hugging her, wanda grasping for her as if she might disappear.

"Please tell me you're real I- I can't handle it if you disappear please" wanda whispered as she buried her head in the woman's chest as much as she could.

"I'm real dekta I promise, I missed you so much wands" the redhead cried finally having her daughter in her arms after 5 years.

"Why did you l-leave me?"

"It was the only way to bring you back and I know it saved everyone but I did it for you"

Wanda looked at nat's eyes as they took in being with eachother again, putting their foreheads together. Wanda putting her powers over their intertwined hands, feeling the heartbeat of her mother and how she was really here.

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