"Here you go. Have a good day," Sally said as she handed their order to them, the sisters quickly taking off with it since the whole thing was just weird.

As they walked back down to their small boat they took to the restaurant, Sarah followed them out to explain herself. "Kie! Ky!" she called out after them. "Guys, wait, can we. Topper and I—"

"It's none of our business," Kiara cut her off.

"—were literally getting breakfast," Sarah continued. "That's it. You guys should join if you want to."

After Kiara finished setting down their food in the boat, she turned to the blonde. "Breakfast?" she queried.

"Yeah, breakfast," Sarah confirmed.

"Yo, Kie, Ky!" Topper shouted out, waving his hand at them.

"Yo, Top," Kiara mocked him and Kyla gave her a nudge of warning. "Oh, come on, Ky, you can't tell me you don't find this suspicious," Kiara whispered even though Sarah could clearly hear her.

Kyla looked at Sarah, who was giving her a pleading look. She then clicked her tongue and voiced, "Well, yeah, I guess it is a little suspicious." She didn't want to take a full side seeing as though they could have been interpreting the situation entirely wrong, and because she really didn't feel like losing more of the people she loved.

Sarah frowned, shaking her head. "I had nowhere to go last night. I — Cleo's at Pope's. I couldn't find JJ." Kyla's eyebrows knitted together at that for a second, a small pit forming in her stomach. "John B and I got into, like, a thing. Like, I'm — He found me and took me to Mase with a group of people," Sarah quickly told them before Topper could reach them.

"Okay, so you bring him to the Middle of the Island Restaurant on a Saturday?" Kiara asked, tilting her head to the side.

Before Sarah could respond, Topper reached then and greeted, "Hey, what's up guys? Random, right?" He extended his fist towards them, expecting one of them to accept his fist bump.

The girls just looked at it unenthusiastically. "Look, we're just gonna go," the younger Carrera responded slowly, neither of them fist bumping him back.

"Oh, perfect," Topper replied awkwardly, taking his fist back.

"Yeah, uh, we don't wanna intrude or anything," Kyla added uneasily. "We have to help our parents set up for their party tonight, anyway."

"You know what? I'm gonna go, too," Sarah spoke which made Kyla give her a look.

"Wait. Wait, what? Our food literally just came out," Topper told her, not wanting her to leave just yet.

"I know."

"How are you gonna smother your hunger?" Topper joked, which made Sarah laugh awkwardly.

The sisters gave each other the same look, getting icked out by the guy. "Yeah, we're leaving," Kiara said under her breath, stepping onto the boat to get it started.

"Topper. Um...I'm going with Kie and Ky. But thank you," Sarah slowly told him before she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna call you."

Kiara started the engine as Kyla stepped on the boat, looking over at the two curiously yet also skeptically. "All right. See you, Sarah," was all Topper said in return as he began to walk away.

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