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Pope chopped a heart into a tree trunk with an axe while Kyla, JJ, and Kiara stood behind him with a sad look on their faces. After Pope was done, JJ stepped up and burned 'John B Routledge' and 'P4L' into the heart. He then stepped back and held up his flask that had alcohol in it, and said, "To John B."

"And to Sarah," Kiara added sadly and Kyla looked down as JJ and Pope drink, not being able to look at the heart much longer without crying.

They then started burying John B and Sarah's belongings that they left behind underneath the tree since no one was going to come back and retrieve them.

Kyla then stood back up and wiped the dirt on her pants, not caring if she got them dirty or not before she walked away.

After they had gotten the news that the police had lost John B and Sarah, Kyla had barely spoken to any of them since then. It also didn't help when her parents, especially her mother, had been bombarding her with questions every time she decided to come out of her room for the day.

She only really had to talk a lot when her parents had brought her to the doctor to get her head checked out. They were able to clean it up well, only leaving a scab on it which they said would slowly go away.

While Kyla was busy sulking in her room, Kiara had been out causing trouble. She had been drinking and smoking more, and sneaking out at night and during the day. Kiara had tried to get Kyla to come out with her, but Kyla always insisted on "no" and would just stay cooped up in her room.

Pope decided to focus on his studies, putting his energy into that to distract himself from everything else. He also been hanging out with Kiara more after the shared kiss they had, but their relationship seemed to be more awkward than romantic.

And as for JJ...he also didn't really talk to anyone. He stayed inside and drank to forget about all the problems that had come their way, and no one had stopped him. Not even Kyla, who would usually be the responsible one. She was just too busy...brooding.

But, today, she decided to pay JJ a visit at his job since she knew it would be hard catering to all the Kooks that had went to the country club restaurant on Figure Eight that he was working at. She knew that it would be nice to have someone to talk to, even if that person was once a Kook. Of course, Kyla still had the money like a Kook, but she definitely didn't have the personality like one; her sister included.

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