"Me too." Joohyun blinked wittily, "Such a coincidence, oh."

"Heh..." Lisa couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed Joohyun's head. The little girl's hair was cut short, and she didn't tie it anymore, it felt softer now.

Seeing Lisa's mood improve, Joohyun happily took a chips pack that was set aside for her and ate it while chuckling.

Tian Fei drove quietly in the front seat, taking a glance in the rearview mirror from time to time, Lisa's emotional changes could be seen in full view. He affirmed for the ten thousandth time as long as Miss Joohyun was here, Third Young Master's mood would easily improve.

Badaling [a section of the Great Wall that's popular with tourists] was still some distance away from the city, it took two hours to drive to the Great Wall's foot compound. Iit was already noon when they arrived, after looking at the majestic structure, Lisa and Joohyun decided to first eat something, after all, you wouldn't have the strength to climb without eating, ah.

However, they couldn't find a single restaurant inside the huge Badaling area, it was filled with rows and rows of souvenir shops. The two of them were too lazy to drive again just to find something to eat, so they found a small shop and bought two bowls of instant noodles, eating them while squatting at the foot of the Great Wall.

After filling their stomachs with instant noodles, the two started the difficult walk climbing the crowded Great Wall under the protection of the four assistants.

"So many people, ah!" Joohyun sighed.

"Yeah." Pushed by so many people, Lisa felt for the first time it wasn't always happy to be in contact with people.

"You see, there are a lot of worn steps. Did they get weathered over time or were they trampled on by so many people?" Joohyun asked, pointing to the bumpy steps under her feet.

"Most of the steps we're stepping on have already been repaired, the remaining original steps can only be found inside inaccessible mountains, but they should be worn too." Lisa said.

"Let's just say, a house needs to be renovated after several decades, while this Great Wall is already thousands of years old." Joohyun said, climbing up again, looking at the endless ups and downs of the Great Wall, unable to see the end. She sighed, "It's really long, ah, I don't even know how long it is."

"According to the Historical Relic and Survey Map Department of the national Great Wall resources, the total length of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty is 8,851.8 kilometers, while the early stages of Great Wall in Qin and Han Dynasty are more than 10,000 kilometers, totaling more than 21,000 kilometers in length." Lisa said along the way. [around 13,049 miles]

"Third Brother, how come you know everything, ah?" Joohyun looked at Lisa with an admiring expression.

"I read a lot of books." Lisa said in a bad mood.

Feeling Third Brother's dislike, Joohyun stuck out her tongue and continued to climb up. The more she climbed up, the less people there were, when she reached the top of the mountain, there were only a few tourists left. Looking at the majestic and winding Great Wall on the lofty mountains, Joohyun couldn't help but take out her phone to snap some photos.

Lisa had just arrived and leaned his back leaning against the wall. His slightly long hair was messed up by the mountain wind while his gaze wandered to the far horizon with a calm and gentle expression.


Lisa turned around abruptly and faced the phone Joohyun had put down, he couldn't help but smile, "Next time you try to sneak a shot, remember to turn the sound off."

Believe It Or Not, I Already Caught You (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now