Chapter 19 - Annoying People and Headaches with Fuze

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Writing format:

[[Ciel/Raphael/Great Sage]]

{Skills or Abilities}




"Telepathic Dialogue"

Internal Monlogue/Emphasis



3rd POV:


Four armored figures parade down the Main Street of Rimuru City, walking in a funny way where their knees are never bent, and their metal boots always produce an annoying sound when they hit the ground.

"So this is the 'City of Monsters'." The leading figure looked around with a sneer. "Not very impressive, I must say, but it will do. Let us find the leader of this place."

And so, they begin walking. In a funny way, of course.

"There does seem to be a lot of imagery regarding the Storm Dragon around here. As expected of these monsters, worshipping a brutish dragon." He frowns with disgust. "Well no matter, once we claim this land for Lord Carrion, we shall teach them the ways of the Beastman instead of all of... this pointless driv-"

"Hello, you must be visitors! I see that you must be lost, do you want me to show you to the tourism office?" The four beastmen turn around to see that an enormous, hulking Hobgoblin has somehow snuck up behind them without knowing.

Ignoring how startled he was a moment ago, the leader of the beastmen speaks. "No need. I am the Black Leopard Fang Phobio, the strongest warrior of the three Beastkeepers of Eurazania. You have quite a well-developed city here, befitting to be ruled by Demon Lord Carrion." He declares, also turning to face the crowd that had gathered.

"Ho-ho-ho! Surely you jest-" Phobio smirks and delivers a punch to Rigurd's face, knocking him back into the crowd.

"Well then, I think we sh-" A sudden burst of aura freezes Phobio mid-sentence.

"You..." The crowd immediately dissipates, revealing a very angry loli.

"Demon Lord Milim!" Phobio exclaims in surprise. Milim pounces forward, drawing back her fist. "Get back! {Leopard Fang Flaming Palm}!"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY UNCLE'S TERRITORY!?" The shockwave from Phobio's face being firmly planted into the pavement lifted up a dust cloud that could be seen all the way from the training grounds.

Now, thankfully for Milim, the loud sound of Phobio's humiliation was able to cover for her slip-up.

"Hm-hm!" Milim swipes her forehead, flicking off nonexistent sweat. "Unc- uh- Bestie Rimuru will definitely give me more snacks for this! Wahahaha!"

And on cue, 'Rimuru' arrives on the scene.


Veldora POV:

"Bestie Rimuru! Look! Look at what I did!" Milim hops up to me like an excited child. "I helped to exterminate vermin!" she says with an innocent smile on her face.

Meanwhile, there on the street lies a poor bastard, guts spilled, brain splattered, cock shaven, and- ok maybe not. Surprisingly, it seems like Milim actually used restraint for once! No wonder she seems so proud!

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