Chapter Twenty Seven

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                   Emily's POV ✧>o<✧

          I was somewhat excited about what Tara had planned , but I had to contain my excitement because it had to wait till after the morning mass .

          I know it's strange for werewolves to be christians , but my pack has a whole history with christianity .

           Thirty Five years before

                   Author's POV

       The story began years back , when the Night walker pack was first formed , by Alpha Adrien the first . He was the present Alpha , Alpha Adrien the third's grandfather . Alpha Adrien the first was an orphan who never knew his parents . He lived with his relations , in Shadow pack , an ancient pack that was conquered in war , thereby split into smaller packs .

      During the war , he was seperated from his relations , and he began to stay with Alphonso , a mighty warrior that fought for the shadow pack  during the war . When the shadow pack split , Alphonso was made Alpha of one of the smaller packs , and he raised Adrien to take over from him .

       Days later , some enemies attacked , and killed Alphonso . Adrien escaped alive and he found himself in the human world . He had passed out and an old nun from the cathedral had seen him and taken him in .

          Afraid when he woke up , upon seeing the old lady , he made to attack , but she spoke to him in these words .

      " Don't be quick to attack , O lost werewolf ". He was scared , and wondered how she knew what he was , and she knew exactly what he was thinking , so she spoke again .

        " I am Nun Bertha ", she had said introducing herself .

      Adrien had heard of humans and many religions , and he knew the word nun had to do with a certain religion , but he just couldn't fathom what it was .

          " What a wise creature you are , I am a christian ", she said , once again as if reading his mind .

       " Are you a werewolf ", he asked .

       " No , I am human ", she said .

        " how else do you explain your incessant habit of reading my mind ", He had asked , and she started laughing .

           " Oh my , Dearie it is simple psychology . You're frightened to death and I can tell exactly what you're thinking . No need to be afraid of a weak old woman like me , I am as defenseless as a newly born baby ",

         " I don't care , just stay away from me . Thank you for saving me , I appreciate , but I have to leave now ", he said , and the old woman just smiled , and she moved aside for him to walk away .

        " You're not going to stop me ? ", He asked , and she shook her head .

        " On a second thought , do you have something I could maybe eat , like a snack , before I go back to my pack ", He said , tiredness and hunger consumed him , so he'd rather risk his life by staying and eating with this strange human , than going in search of his pack , where he'd either die of hunger or the war would kill him . Hopefully , dying at the human's hands would be painless .

       She led him to the table , where they sat and ate , and the woman asked about him and what he was doing by the roadside , and surprisingly he confinded in her enough to tell her what happened . She told him not to worry that he could stay with her as long as he pleased , but he declined , saying that his pack needed him , though he was willing to rest a little before going back to find his pack .

         He went to the room to get some rest , and when he had woken up , he went in search of the woman , and found her in the living room , kneeling by a chair , with beads in her hands , eyes close , and a thick book on the chair .

       What did he get himself into ? he thought . What if she was a witch ? Or what if she was performing a ritual to kill him . Lots of crazy thoughts ran through his head , and he was beginning to sweat profusely .

           She opened her eyes and looked back to see him standing there sweating .

           " What are you doing ? ", He had asked .

           " Praying ", she said " this is probably a new concept for you , but it is what christians do . It is a way in which we talk to our creator ", she said .

           " And who is that ? ", He asked curiously .

          " God ", she said . And Adrien was curious to know more , so she explained to him , and he seemed like he wanted to be one of those christians , so she prayed with him , and taught him how to pray . She also gave him a rosary as well as a bible .

      Adrien returned back with this newly found religion as well as the courage which it lit in his heart .

      He fought off the enemies , and assumed the position of Alpha , introducing the religion of christianity to his people .

                       *        *       *

       Not many packs believed in God , but my pack in particular did .

       After the mass , I ran home , leaving my mom behind , because she wanted to pray .

       I ransacked my wardrobe looking for something nice . As always , my brain couldn't think of or even see anything good . I finally settled for a short jean skirt and an oversize pink t shirt .

       I heard the front door open , and Tara's voice echo my name from the living room .

        " I'm coming ", I said , and I applied some lipstick , and grabbed my purse , then ran downstairs to meet my crazy BFF .

         " You weren't at the cathedral today ", I said , and she nodded .

         " I had to do some chores at home , and go grocery shopping , but I'd go in the evening ", she said .

          " Okay , so are you ready for the best day ever ", Tara asked , and I couldn't help but scream yes .

       We stepped out from the house , and I closed the front door . Tara insisted that we took some selfies so she could post to instagram , and I couldn't refuse her because she could be really stubborn .

         After taking the selfies , she made me close my eyes as we walked to the side of the house , and when I finally opened my eyes , I saw two bicycles , just like the ones we had when we were kids . They were both pink , perfect !

       I gave Tara a big hug , and I couldn't help but say

      "  love you Tara  ", and she just smiled .

        " No need to thank me , now hop on . Beat you to the mall ! ", she said , more like screamed excitedly .

      " Mall ? " I asked confused .

        " Yes , let's go window shopping , or as we like to call it ... ", She made to say , but I joined in .

          " Try on haul ", we said in unison .

        The try on haul was something I and Tara used to do when we were quite younger. We would literally go to the mall , and try on some cute outfits , take photos with them , and say things like ; ' they weren't a perfect fit ' or ' I don't like how they look '.   It was always super fun , and I couldn't imagine how many years we had gone without doing that .

       This bff hangout that Tara had planned was certainly going to bring back a lot of memories , I couldn't wait to see all she had planned .

Written by Nel_kasa(◕ᴗ◕✿)

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