Chapter Fifteen

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                     Emily's POV  ✿ ⁰ o ⁰ ✿

       I waved mum goodbye , as I walked into the school . I felt a hand against mine , as if the person was leading me somewhere . I looked up to see Alpha Leo . I made to speak , but he placed his hand on his lips , signalling me to keep quiet .

             " Don't say a word , just follow me ", he said , and I trusted him completely , so I just followed him without any hesitation .

            We finally reached the locker area , and he stopped walking . We were in front of Hayley's locker , where she was talking to her ' friends ' .

             " Hey baby ", she said , and walked towards I and Alpha Leo , when she noticed that my hand was in Alpha Leo's . Her expression changed, and she was now jealous .

               " So it is true huh ", she said , her tone now sounding angry .

               " What ", Alpha Leo asked .

       " That you now go around with this low life . I can't believe that you are cheating on me , and that with a low class girl like her  ", Hayley said , and I looked at the floor . Biting my lower lip , to somehow stop myself from feeling the need to cry .

          " Emily is not a lowlife ! ", Alpha Leo growled , and I was startled . Hayley went mute instantly .

          " Everyone listen ! ", He said , his voice bellowing through the hallway . " I hereby officially breakup with Hayley ", he said , and I saw Hayley get embarrassed . I had never seen her that way before . Maybe because she was always the one embarrassing others , but today the tables were turned around .

          " Emily would you be my girlfriend ", he asked turning to me , and my cheeks flushed red . I didn't know what to say . I was so embarrassed , everyone was murmuring . ' The girl with the weak wolf ? ', I heard some say . ' why didn't he choose someone else ', others said ' he's going to regretting ', I heard a group of girls say , and I couldn't take it anymore . Tears rolled down my cheeks , and I ran out of the hallway . I had seen Tara somewhere in the crowd , but I didn't bother stopping . I ran outside , to the school's garden , and I fell to the floor crying .

           " Emily ", I heard a voice call out , and I instantly knew it was Tara .

          " I'm here ", I managed to say amidst tears . I felt her hand on my shoulder , and I looked up at her .

           " Why did you run off ", she asked , and I didn't respond .

           " How long are you going to keep running , let people say what they want , Leo chose you , and noone has a say in that , well except the moon goddess ", Tara said , and she was right as always , bit I just knew that I couldn't do what she wanted . I didn't belong with Leo . A girl with a weak wolf , being the girlfriend to the well known Alpha , it just couldn't work out , everyone would talk .

          " I don't have a choice . Did you see the fury in Hayley's eyes ? She would have gotten me killed if I agreed to be Leo's girlfriend .

        " Why do you keep worrying about Hayley ? You have Leo by your side ", Tara said , and she was right .

        " I think you're right . I don't care what people have to say about this , it's time to make my decision ", I said , then I wiped my tears , got up and made my way to the the hallway .

        " That's my gurll ", I heard Tara said , and a smile crept it's way onto my face .

        ' she's back ', I heard a group of girls said , and I found Leo still standing there , Hayley was talking to him , probably trying to get him to let her back in , but as soon as I stepped in , he diverted his attention to me .

        " I'd love to be your girlfriend Leo ", I said , and I gave him a kiss . It was pretty short , but passionate , I didn't want to get lovey dovey in front of the whole school .

       " Thank you Emily ", he whispered in my ear , and I blushed .

     I looked over at Hayley , who was now fuming , and she stormed off angrily .
        " Can I steal your girlfriend for a while ", Tara said , and I didn't realize when she had snuck up on us .

         " Sure ", Leo said , and I went with Tara .

         " Ohk I know you just got a boyfriend and you're excited , but we still haven't executed our plan , but I was thinking that we could visit Jess and have a talk with her and maybe after the talk , we can execute our plan ", Tara said , and I agreed to the idea .

          " That's fine , we can go to Jess's place after school ", I said , and Tara smiled .

                             *        *         *

           I walked out of the Geography class , and I heaved a sigh of relief . I was happy that that was over with . I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist tightly , and I looked up to see Leo .

               " Oh it's you ", I said , and he placed a soft kiss on my lips . I could see some of my class girls talking about I and Leo , but I didn't care , they could gossip all they wanted .

         " Were you expecting anyone else ? You should know that if anyone touches you inappropriately , I'd tear them apart ", Leo said and I chuckled , at how overprotective he sounded and I liked it anyway , I had always dreamt of having an overprotective boyfriend , and it was really happening .

         " Noted ", I said . " So what are you up to  ", I asked him , and I could stay in his arms like this forever .

         " Um.... Ray called and said that I had a pack meeting to attend , so I thought I'd check up on you before I leave ", he said .

        " Well I'm fine , so you better get going for your meeting , you don't want to be late ", I said , and he eyerolled .

       " I'm sure they have a minute or two to spend waiting for their Alpha ", He said , and I smiled .

        " How about I drop you off at home ", he asked , and I was so close to saying yes , when I remembered that I had other plans with Tara .

         " I'd love that too , but I have to go out with Tara ", I said .

          " Oh , I'm sure she must be waiting for you ", he said , and let go of me .

          " Yes , I have to go now , bye ", I said , and gave him a kiss , and ran out .

Written by Nel_kasa(◕ᴗ◕✿)

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