||Chapter 1: A New Friend||

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"Aisha, wake up already, you're going to be late." I yawned and groaned, glancing at my alarm clock, which read 7:30 AM.

I sprang out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, quickly changing before running downstairs. My mom had prepared toast with butter and chai in a to-go cup. "Ya Allah, you're going to miss the bus, jaan. Jaldi karo (hurry up)!"

"Ji ji, ammi, mein jaa rahi hoon (yes yes, mom, I'm going)," I replied, grabbing my bag, the toast, and my chai. I kissed my mom on the cheek and headed for the door.

"Allah hafiz, ammi (goodbye, mom)."

"Allah hafiz, Aisha. I love you."

"I love you too," I called as I walked out to the bus stop at the park near our house. Thankfully, I arrived just in time as the bus pulled up. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing my mom would be upset if I missed it.

I got on the bus and settled into my usual spot at the front, where it was quieter and more peaceful. After a few stops, a boy sat down next to me. I turned to look out the window and sighed. I didn't like sharing a seat unless it was with a friend. It felt awkward, especially since my parents were strict about me interacting with boys.

Soon, we arrived at Norman High School, a sprawling campus with three floors and buildings stretching over a mile.

"Assalam Walaikum, Aisha," greeted my best friend, Mariam, as I walked in.

"Walaikum Salam, Mariam. How are you?" I asked, hugging her.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm good. How are you?"

"Alhamdulillah, I'm good too, just a bit tired," I said, stifling a yawn. The first bell rang, signaling it was time to head to class.

"I'll see you at lunch, Mariam!" I waved and started walking to class, watching students rush around to get to homeroom. This school was strict about punctuality and attendance.

Thankfully, I made it on time. My classroom was near the office, and it was crowded. I sat down as the bell rang.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you're having a good day so far. I'll be calling attendance now," my teacher announced. A few minutes later, he called my name. "Aisha Muhammad."

"Present," I said, raising my hand.

Just a few more students were called when suddenly, the intercom crackled. "Aisha Muhammad, please report to the guidance office."

"Huh?" I looked up, confused, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Embarrassed, I gathered my backpack and headed to the office, wondering what I had done.

At the office, I approached the desk, looking for the person who had called me. "May I help you?" a lady asked from behind the desk.

"Hello, I'm Aisha Muhammad. I was called to guidance," I said nervously.

"Oh, yes, go to Mr. Clark's room," she instructed, pointing to his door.

"Okay, thank you," I replied, walking up to the tall blue door and knocking.

Mr. Clark, my guidance counselor, opened the door. "Good morning, Aisha. I hope you're well."

"Yes, I am. And yourself?" I said, stepping inside.

"I'm good. The reason I called you down here is that we have a new transfer student. I want you to stay with him and show him around the school." He stepped aside, revealing a boy standing behind him.

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