"Why not?" She asked "is it your instructor?"

"No, it's scary" I told her

"That's fine. It's ok to be afraid, whenever you get scared you can tell your instructor, I hear she's one of their best!" She told me as she put her hand on my face. "Now let's get you out of those jamies" she changed me into street cloths. Shorts and tank top. With some Lego underwear.

Then we went off, 15 or so minutes earlier than usual.

On the way there she got a little serious "I know that it's been fun playing like this, but, I don't want you inconvenience anyone. When I'm not around it's fine to still play like a little boy, just make sure everyone else feels fine with it and if you really want to play, Ms Baxter said that she'd watch you while I'm not there."

I was a little jarred by the sudden tone change

"Do you understand Mike?" She asked

"Yes" I said

"Good, you'll have to walk home today, I'll be home before dinner. If your good I'll bring back a surprise for you." She told me

"What is it?" I asked

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" She smiled at me "we're here! Have a good time, and remember what I said ok?"

"Ok, thank you" I said leaving

I entered the pool building and saw Cody and his mom in line to check in.

"Hello" I said

"Hi Mike!" Said Cody in his mothers arms. He squirmed his way out and ran over to hug me. I returned the favor

"Good morning Mike" Ms Baxter said "I talked with your mom and I told her if you would like I can help you get ready"

"Really?" I asked

"Yup" she said "so I take it you'll be wanting some help?"

"Yes please" I said happy to spend more time with Cody

We checked in then we all went into the family locker room. It was a smaller room designed for families with small children and babies. Luckily only one family at a time would go in as it was too small to accommodate multiple.

"Alright boys, let's try going potty before we get changed into our swim gear" she told us

"Ok!" Cody said

Ms Baxter took of his clothes and his clean diaper and placed him on the potty, holding him so he wouldn't fall in. "Just try to relax your bladder. Do you feel like you need to go?"

"Maybe" Cody said straining "a little" after a minute or two of straining. We heard a small tinkling. He did it!

"Great job Cody!" Ms Baxter said "that was so good!"

Cody hopped off the potty then did a dance.

"Ok, your turn Mikey" she said

I did sorta have to go but I remembered my plan, I need to hold in the pee so I could go later. "I don't have to go" I lied

"Let's just give it a shot and if nothing comes out then that's fine" she said taking off my shirt for me, then my pants and undies.

She held me on the potty just like Cody and I pretended to strain to get something out.

After 2 minutes or so nothing came out and Ms Baxter said "ok that's fine, if you need to go during the lesson you can come to me if you want"

"Ok" I said. As she helped both of us wash our hands

Baby's First Swim LessonWhere stories live. Discover now