Fun times

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Since Martha peed herself and didn't come back, what if I do the same? I wouldn't have to come here and worry about being bullied, embarrassed, or having to get my eyes wet!

It would be pretty gross, and super embarrassing. But maybe I could deal with it for a little.

I thought about peeing myself right now during the lesson, but it was already almost over anyway.

After a few more times of the instructors taking me and Cody out to do floats and some kicks, we were done. They sent us off saying we only had 3 more practices, which I was pretty happy about.

since I didn't ask for help going potty during the lesson this time, I really need to go now!

I rushed to the locker room, untying my swimsuit. And when I got to the urinal. I immediately went for it. With a sigh of relief and let my guard down and watched as the stream entered the porcelain. But apparently I was doing it wrong

"What are you doing?!" Dom asked coming up to me "it's like you're actually a baby! Have you ever used a urinal before!?" He stared at me, then my swim trunks at my ankle, then at my exposed butt. "You're not supposed to take your pants all the way off!" He said laughing

I blushed red. I didn't know that. That's always what my parents taught me, then I just kept doing it like that. How else are you supposed to do it?

"Ah you're hopeless! Just a big baby!" He said untying his own swimsuit and starting to pee in the urinal next to me. He didn't pull his trunks down though! I was confused how he wasn't peeing himself then.

I looked down at him, then he punched me in the shoulder.

"Hey! Don't stare at my wiener!" He yelled

"Sorry" I mumbled then I thought about pulling my swimsuit up. But I didn't know how it was supposed to be done. I would probably end up getting my self covered in piss! So I just finished my normal way.

Then I stepped out of my trunks and went over to my bag. I quickly changed to my dry land clothes. When I was completely clothed I heard

"Hey big baby!" Dom looked at me with his posey giggling. "You forgot to wash your hands!"

He was right, I might despise that little brat, but he was right.

I walked over to the sink and started washing my hands. Then as quick as lightning, my pants were at my ankles!

My tighty wighties exposed to the locker room. Dom's friends started laughing hysterically, and I, red faced, quickly pulled my shorts back up and finished washing my hands.

I quickly left the building and saw my moms car. I got in and we drove home.

She asked me all sorts of questions. She beamed with pride when I told her I floated on her own, "this deserves a celebration! How about we go to McDonald's?" She asked. I admit, it might be a little childish, and McDonald's might be pretty bad for you, but I always love going there and getting the chicken nugget happy meal.

I happily nodded "yes please!" I said.

Then we drove down and parked at the McDonalds. We went in and ordered our food. Mom always got a spicy mc chicken.

Then I heard a small child's voice "hi Mike!" It said. I looked around and it was Cody from swim lessons! Him and his mom also came here after they changed.

I waved with a smile then kept waiting for the food. Eventually our order was called and mom went up to get it. She came back with a tray of food and gave me my happy meal. "Here you go sweetie!" She said with a warm smile

Baby's First Swim LessonWhere stories live. Discover now