Chapter 5: Prejudices Confirmed

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Copyright 2015 © Rosesareforever

Haunted by the Past

Chapter 5

Prejudices Confirmed


Eyes focused on the small screen above the metal doors of the elevator, Stephanie watched the numbers change as they rose from the lobby to the top floor, her destination the headquarters of Miller and Thompson. It had taken her less than five seconds after David smashed the door closed behind him to realize she'd made a mistake, a big one. Her cowardliness had been the sole reason she hadn't run after him right away.

A massive headache in combination with anxiety and a wry feeling after what had happened the day before made her completely lost and out of control. Her turmoil was by no means an excuse for her rampage or careless choice of words, but it was the truth. She should've thanked David or at least have shown her appreciation for what he did. Instead she pretty much kicked him out of her apartment the moment he opened his eyes this morning. It was not surprising. She was known to be reckless and ruin everything good in her life. David was not the first person to try and get close only to get burned instead. Jade was the only one that ever succeeded in avoiding the flame.

The guilt consuming Stephanie had been too profound to ignore so she'd wisely decided to act on it and use it to her advantage. The result was a messy kitchen and three boxes filled with freshly baked cookies, her secret recipe, and the only thing she could cook without burning down the house. A grand gesture  or at least it was for Stephanie. She'd never baked a man cookies before...well, she'd probably never baked anyone anything before. It was too sweet an action for her taste, too nice and not like her at all.

She just hadn't been able to shake the feeling that she was in the wrong. David could be nice when he wanted to be, there was no reason to treat him badly. That she was scared and didn't want to get closer to him was her issue. She shouldn't let it affect her common sense and manners. Thus her decision was made. She was going to apologize.


The elevator had arrived on the upper level of the sky high building where Sedric and David's law firm was located. It had taken her a quick search on Google Maps to figure out how to get there. She didn't think David would respond if she tried to contact him, therefore she decided to confront him. One of the few things her mother had taught her was to always go after what she wanted, and right now that was to apologize to David for her nasty behavior.

It wasn't something she had ever done before, the occasion had simply never presented itself. Not once in twenty-seven years had she felt in the wrong, or bad enough that she wanted to excuse her behavior. How did one apologize? She hoped that simply dropping off a box filled with cookies would be enough to deliver the message. Words were so not her forte. Stephanie was a firm believer of the fact that actions speak louder than words.  

The elevator doors opened and Stephanie stepped outside, expecting a crowded hall and the noise of working people. Her expectations were not fulfilled. The floor was eerily quiet, except for the tapping sounds the secretary made as she typed away on her computer, her eyes focused on the screen. It wasn't until a good minute after Stephanie had appeared that the woman finally looked up and smiled. "Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for David Thompson." She barely refrained from commenting on the fact that the woman just completely ignored her presence when she first arrived. It was rude, beyond rude.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Thompson today?" The way the secretary spoke showed she clearly knew David's schedule well and was certain Stephanie did not have an appointment. Why ask if she already knew?

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