"Sure! We'll go everywhere we want!" I said to Max, feeling a little daring. I never thought I'd be able to say something like that and actually mean it.

Who was this man? He just came into my life and now I was agreeing to do things I would never have considered before.

He had an aura of confidence and excitement that made me feel giddy and fearless.

Plus I'm sure that Marina will let me go, since she has always been so supportive of me and my decisions. He was a mystery to me, but I felt like I could trust him and take this leap of faith.

He agreed to take me on this incredible journey and I was so excited to have him by my side. I was ready to take the plunge and see where this adventure would lead us.

Finally the teacher came into the room, apologising for being late and saying she was ready to start the lesson.

With eager anticipation, I sat up in my seat, listening intently as the teacher began her lesson.

Apparently we were doing an experiment - the teacher had brought in materials to conduct a science experiment in the classroom.

I was excited to get started, and I watched with fascination as the teacher demonstrated the first step of the experiment.

The Physics experiment was to measure the speed of sound using two tuning forks, a ruler, and a stopwatch. To make sure our results were accurate, we followed the teacher's instructions precisely and double-checked our measurements.

We were to measure the time it took for the sound waves to travel from one tuning fork to the other, and then divide the distance by that time to calculate the speed of sound.

To Maxwell, it was the most boring thing ever, but to me it was a fascinating exploration into the world of physics. I was amazed by the way air could exert so much power on a seemingly simple experiment.

This was supposed to be a two-man job; one person would use the tuning forks and the other would be with the stopwatch.

We, actually I mean, I used the tuning forks and the stopwatch by myself and wrote down all of the measurements.

Meanwhile all that Max did was stare. His eyes never moved away from me. It was as if he could see right through me, and he was trying to unravel my mysteries.

At first it was nerve-racking, but after a while, I felt like he was just looking out for me. He had a look of protectiveness on his face, and I knew that he would always be there for me.

Like he said he would.

Getting tired of doing this all by myself, I looked over at Max again and signed. Hoping that he would offer his help again, I implored him with my eyes.

"Are you intending to keep staring at me or are you coming to help me?" I looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for her response.

He just stared at me back with a smile, and said nothing. I sighed in frustration and rolled my eyes. I knew I would have to finish this alone.

He then stood up from his seat and took the tuning fork out of my hand, saying, "Let me help you with that."

"Took you long enough," I muttered under my breath, but I was still thankful for his help.

He looked embarrassed. "Sorry, I was daydreaming," he said sheepishly.

"You were daydreaming while looking at me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He blushed and nodded. "I guess I can't help but admire you."

"Well," I said with a smirk, "that's definitely a flattering compliment."

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