Chapter 11

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Lex basically sped out of the truck, rushing to the door. 

Dashing inside, he saw someone stand at the entrance. Jonathan and Martha were in the living room. They all turned. The second you turned around, Lex felt all his fears just release. He ran over, pulling you into his arms.

"You're okay." 

It was a sigh of relief. When he felt you gently push him back, he looked down. Only to meet the look of confusion.

"Do I know you?"

Lex's smile dropped almost immediately, and Clark finally walked in.

"She was at the door. We thought she just got lost but then we saw her and we knew."

It was hard to ignore the resemblance. You and Clark could have been siblings.

Lex released you, taking a step back. 

You didn't recognize him. 

"It wasn't supposed to be like this.."

All for nothing.

He felt like he'd robbed you of a future. Because you'd done all this for him, and now you may never remember your true life. He'd promised Jonathan he would bring you back, but he couldn't. Lex staggered, moving to the counter to balance himself. He released a breath, straightening as he headed for the door. Clark didn't even stop him, because nothing he could say would help.

This was so far out of his control.

He stumbled outside, moving towards the barn. He needed to be alone to figure out what the next step was, but for now, maybe all he needed was rest. Lex ventured to the loft, walking lazily up the stairs. 

He didn't even make it to the couch. He dropped right there on the floor. His shoulders shook as he let the exhaustion finally take its toll. Right there, he cried. He couldn't remember the last time he'd ever felt this vulnerable. This entire situation had been one trip after the other. He was tired. 

Of everything.

Proving he was a good person in his world.

Proving he was worthy to Jonathan in yours.

Fighting to show that his mistakes were what he'd learned from. He could change. He had. It felt like he did when he saw you. When he met you.

When you rebelled against your family to prove that Lex Luthor was not some monster that couldn't be trusted.

"This is strange."

Lex jumped at the voice. Because he knew this voice. His head whipped up, and right before him stood a blond male.


Wiser from what he could tell.

"Kal-El is capable of a lot, but never have I seen entire realities alter. Their journey is to be protectors of earth. Saviors."

Lex's shoulders dropped.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do. You're Jor-El. It's your fault we're in this mess in the first place. You're trivial tests and games. Why couldn't you see that she was already following that path!! All she's ever done was protect the people on this planet!"

"But love makes her weak, human."


Lex was furious.

"It's because of her humanity that she's able to help people. (Y/N) risks her life every single day to help complete strangers. Believe it or not it's those humans in there that raised her that way. Do you think she would have been so willing if she'd been abandoned? Humanity is corrupted, I'm proof of that, but she wasn't. There are good people in this world. People worth taking a chance on, saving. Not that you would understand. You're hell bent on forcing her through this destiny. This faith that you've decided." Lex's fist balled on the floor.

"I doubt you'd understand." Lex turned his head, but when he looked, Jor-El was gone. He huffed out a bitter laugh.

"Great, now I'm hallucinating." 

Lex picked himself off the ground slowly. Dropping onto the couch. He was fresh out of ideas. He had no way to get you back.

"I'm sorry."

It was a meek voice, at the staircase. There you stood, looking guilty for something that was out of your control. You hadn't moved from the spot, and Lex slid his suit jacket off, running his hands over his face.

"It's not your fault."

How could he blame you?

You walked up the remainder of steps, still standing at a distance. Lex was still going through his bout of self loathing.

"This person, the one who you all know, you guys cared about her." Lex turned his head.

"You. We all care about you."

You shook your head.

"But I'm not her. I don't remember being her. But that guy inside there he's my brother. He has to be. That means those people are his parents. How does that happen? How does someone forget their whole family?" You took a seat right next to Lex.

"All I remember is waking up in the middle of the street. I barely recall getting to this barn. I just walked here because it felt right. I felt like I had to be here. That's crazy right. I must be going crazy."

"It's not crazy."

If he couldn't get you back home, the least he could do was assure you that you weren't losing your mind. He looked down at your hand. Hesitantly, he reached down, gently holding your hand. When you didn't pull away, Lex's eyes met yours.

"I don't understand this, why do I feel like I can trust you..I barely know you."

You were scared, rightfully so. Lex wanted nothing more than to tell you that everything would be okay. But he knew better. This wasn't a situation where being hopeful would solve it. The only faith he was willing to accept, is one where he ended up with you. His body turned slowly, and he could see the way you swallowed when his free hand reached up and brushed your hair behind your ear. Your cheeks were glowing a shade of red now.

He should have stopped, that much he was aware of. But looking at you, he couldn't help it. Maybe if he'd been more honest with himself, this would have played out differently.

"I'm sorry I can't get you home, but I promise I'll always protect you."

Your heart was strumming a mile a minute in your chest at how strong his gaze was. You couldn't find it in yourself to look away. You were hypnotized.

" me?"

Lex smiled at the bashful way your eyes darted around after you'd asked the question. It was strangely comforting.

"I do. I love you (Y/N)."

Your eyes watered, and Lex was caught off guard when you closed the distance, kissing him with so much merit for someone who had very little memories. His hand slid down your cheek as he pulled you as close as your bodies would allow. This is what he'd been longing for his whole life. It felt so amazing.

"I love you too, Lex."

There was a whisper of your voice, and he pulled back. You wore a brilliant smile, and soon the room was becoming enveloped by a light, he recognized.

"I'll leave my daughter in your hands."

It was Jor-El.

For the first time, Lex didn't feel afraid of what was waiting, because the light before him felt so warm.


He could still feel you, all around him.

As long as you were together, he would be okay. 

Lex Luthor- FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang