Chapter 1

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Lex had been through so many ordeals in Smallville.

At some point it had become almost routine to wake up in a hospital bed. That's why he wasn't surprised this time when he looked up at the familiar ceiling. The smell of sterilizers was rough. But as normal as his life could get he supposed.

"Mr. Luthor."

A doctor walked into the room, relief written on the man's face.

"You're lucky to be awake. With the wounds you had, it's a miracle you didn't remain in a coma. I was certain after yesterday we'd lost you again."


Another common occurrence. How many times had he heard those words?

"What happened?"

The doctor suddenly looked pretty solemn.

"I see your amnesia hasn't improved."

"I remember who I am. Where I am. This is Smallville isn't it."

"Correct, but what else do you remember?"

"Apparently I was in some kind of accident."

"What about your friends, family?"

"If you're referring to my shell of a father, I don't think there is much I should hope for."

The doctor took notes, but said nothing.

"Mr. Sullivan came by earlier to check on you. He seemed genuinely worried. So did Mr. Lang."

Lex's body froze.

"Mr. Lang...are you saying they survived the meteor shower?"

Said doctor's eyes widened.

"Incredible, you remember the meteor shower, yet your memories of your friends are scrambled."

This was making very little sense to him. Last time he checked Chloe's father had moved away, and Mr. Lang had died when Lana was just a child.


The scream from around the corner caught his attention. Someone raced over, yanking the door open as they bolted in.

"Ms. Kent, you need to stay outside. Mr. Luthor hasn't fully recovered yet."

Lex's eyes drifted over in the direction of the person now standing before him. At this point he was convinced his mind was playing tricks on him. Because this wasn't Clark Kent.

For one, you were female. He could have been wrong, but you looked like an exact replica of Clark, if he had breasts and slender hips.

"Who...Who are you?"

He couldn't help but ask. Because nothing was adding up. The crestfallen look took him by surprise. He couldn't remember the last time someone had looked so defeated of the prospect of him not recognizing them.

"'s me..(Y/N) Kent. I'm your friend."

It was decided.

He might have officially lost his mind.

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