Chapter 9

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Lex gasped, jolting upright.


The male was the first thing he saw when his vision cleared.


Lex blinked a few times, and finally he could make out everything. He was back here at Kent Farm. In Clark's house.


Lex practically jumped to his feet, looking left and right.

You were nowhere to be found.

"No, this is wrong. Where is she..WHERE IS SHE!!"

"Lex calm down, you just passed out. We need to get you to a hospital and get you checked out." Martha and Jonathan were standing at a distance looking just as worried.

Lex was still on a rant.

"I came back here, she brought me back so she must have come back too. I just need to find her. I need to find where she landed. " Lex started searching the house, and Jonathan became defensive when Lex rushed out, heading for the barn. They all followed behind.

"Lex, wait, stop!!" Clark called. He made it all the way into the barn, trying to search for a sound, or a mark. Anything that would help him find you.

Lex felt turned around, and when Jonathan got into the barn, he could feel his patience waning.

"Lex, I want you off my property now." He wasn't sure what this was, but he couldn't take a chance of Lex finding something he shouldn't.

"Dad, can't you see he's hurt. "

"He's right Jonathan, he must be delirious."

Lex rubbed his head in irritation.

"I'm not delirious!! I know everything." That stopped them all cold, and Lex finally took a calming breath. Him running around like a headless chicken wasn't proving his case.

"What do you mean you know everything?" Jonathan asks cautiously.

Lex used the table behind him to lean on, running a hand over his head.

"I know your secret Clark. I know about Krypton, the Fortress, the ship, your powers, I know everything."

There was an array of emotion that ran over all their faces at his confession. What they didn't expect is how broken Lex looked. Jonathan had always feared Lex would find out, but this was not how he saw it playing out. He'd just made the discovery of a lifetime, but he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

So long he'd been searching for his purpose. In the last few weeks of being with you, he felt like he found it. Found where he was supposed to be. What he was supposed to do. His destiny was to protect you.

"I don't know what happened, but I was there, at the Fortress. I was with her and now she's gone. She's somewhere alone blaming herself. I have to protect her. I have to save her, Clark."

They were all still recovering from the earlier situation, but Clark could see how hopeless Lex looked. Above all, he was still his friend. Throwing caution to the wind, Clark stepped forward.

"Who are you looking for? What happened to her?"

"She's you, not you you, but another version of you. I know this doesn't make sense but she did this. In her reality I got hurt. I think the guilt of the accident caused some kind of rift in reality. Clark for almost a month I've been in another dimension. Just like this one except your genders are switched."

Lex was right, that did make no sense.

"So in this reality, I'm a girl?"

Lex nodded.

"That's weird, I can't imagine being a girl. I'm a guy."

The ironic sense of deja vu hit Lex at that very moment. He'd definitely had this conversation before.

"It doesn't matter! You need to take me to the Fortress. We need to talk to Jor-El and bring her back."

Clark was still getting used to the fact that Lex even knew about the Fortress.

"You talked with Jor-El before. "

"I did. (Y/N) she was with him. He showed us the accident. It's why she feels so guilty. If I can convince her that everything is okay, then I can help her. I need to help her."

Clark wasn't sure what to make of any of this, but he felt obligated. This could have been some kind of breakdown that Lex was having. But in the event that it wasn't, then there was the possibility of another dimension, and whoever this person was, they were in trouble.

"Clark, you can't be serious about trusting him, this could all be a trap."

"I'm telling the truth!!" Lex insisted.

"Even if it was a lie, he already knows everything, dad. He knows my secret. "

There was nothing else in this for Lex. He could honestly run into town and announce it, but very few people would believe it without proof. There wasn't a plan that Clark could spot that would be of harm to him. Because if Lex knew of his strengths, then he knew his weaknesses. Instead of exploiting it right here, he was pleading with him to go save a girl. Not just any girl, but apparently a version of Clark Kent. He wanted to protect this person.

"Let's go Lex."

There was no argument. Jonathan realized that he'd lost the battle. So as Clark and Lex took off, Jonathan couldn't do much but pace. Because none of them could predict if this would end well. 

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