Chapter 6

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"Good morning son."

Lionel's voice pulled Lex out of his small train of thought.

"How is my favorite son doing?"

"I'm your only son."

"Good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor." Lionel took a seat right in front of Lex's desk.

Lex kept his face neutral. With all that he'd been dealing with as of late, somehow his father was the least of his problems.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Lex's eyes were fixated on his computer. Much to Lionel's chagrin.

"You've changed Lex." Lionel was looking at him inquisitively.

"Is it because I'm not as interactive with our little monthly banter? I hate to break it to you, but there are worse things in the world than having verbal sparring matches with your family. "

"Like (Y/N) Kent." Lex stiffened at the mention, and Lionel grinned.

"You've been quite close since you recovered. The doctors claimed amnesia, but you remember her. How convenient. "

"If you even think about hurting the Kents-" Lionel stood, shrugging him off.

"Why on earth would I do that? Lex, you make out to be some ultimate villain. How distasteful. Your own father. " Lex wanted nothing more than to slap that smug look off his face.

"I'll be seeing you, son."

There was always something deeply menacing when he used that word. The double doors closed behind Lionel, and Lex sank back in his seat. Mentally exhausted. He was still processing all that happened. He couldn't help but wish that his father was one of the changes that occurred.

Possibly swap for his mother. Had she still been alive, Lex knew his upbringing would have been vastly different. His eyes move back to the computer. The wallpaper was a picture of you and him at the Talon. No doubt taken by Chloe...correction Calvin Sullivan. Both your smiles seemed so big, carefree. Lex's finger traced the outline of your face on the screen.


"Hey Calvin."

You walked in with your backpack, and the blond jumped up.

"(Y/N), hey I heard about Lex. Apparently his memory is coming back. That sounds good." You smiled.

"Yeah. There's a few things that are still scrambled, but for the most part I think he's still the same. "

Calvin nodded, stacking the file of papers.

"That's good to hear. He still owes me an interview."

"Calvin." He grinned.

"Too soon?"

"Yes." He laughed, moving back to the computer to get typing on what you could only assume was a new article.

"Actually (Y/N). There was something I wanted to talk to you about. I've been looking into the accident. With Lex and Morgan Edge. Levi and I went back out to check the scene. I also have a buddy who works on the county office and I found something strange. " You moved closer and Calvin pulled up the article. Along with a few other reports.

"Lex's car was run over by Morgan Edge. It was knocked off the road, that much is true. It explains why Lex was found at the side of that ditch. But there were scorch marks a few meters away. " She showed you pictures.

"Morgan knocked him off the road as planned, and they found a gun in the passenger seat. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he was planning to do." You gulp. Just the thought made your stomach drop.

"If Lex was unconscious, who got Morgan, and who made these." She opened another image, and the markings were clear as day.

"Kryptonian. "

"I've seen these before in the corn field. Someone went out of their way to make it seem like Smallville might have aliens. Which really wouldn't be the craziest thing to ever happen." Your silence must have alerted Clavin that something was wrong.


"I have to go. Thank you Calvin!" You grabbed your jacket, rushing out of the room.

"I hate it when she does that." Calvin mutters.


"Kryptonian, of course it's Kryptonian. "

You should have suspected it from the very beginning. You lost count of how many of Jor-El's trials you'd endured. But now this time, Lex was in the middle of it. Those memories he had of an alternate world may not have been as crazy as you expected. You zipped into the house, and Martha jumped at the wind that hit her back.

"Honey, why are you home so early from school?"

"Mom it's Lex, I think he might be in danger!"

"What danger?"

Jonathan came running inside.

"(Y/N), I thought I saw you run by, is everything okay?"

"No..Lex he's..." You weren't sure what was happening.

"I need to get to Lex. Stay here. I'm going to protect him this time."

"Wait (Y/N)!!"

You were gone, right out the door.

Feet dashing on the floor, you'd only slowed down when you were at the front of the mansion. To your relief, Lex had been coming out the same time you were about to go in. He spotted you just as he was about to ride off in his car. Stepping out, he squinted.


You ran over to him, hugging him with all you all you have.

"You're okay?" You sighed into his shirt.

"Did someone say I wasn't?"

You shook your head, pulling away.

"We need to get back to the barn now. I can't explain it all here but we-"

"Okay." Lex didn't argue. You took his hand, and he stopped before you could pull off.

"Let's take my car. My father was here earlier. I...we need to be careful. I have no idea what he's planning, but I get the feeling that he's keeping an eye on me. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

It was crazy how the both of you seem to go back and forth, trying to protect the other. You nodded, running to the other side of the car as Lex did the same. He took off for your house in hopes that whatever was waiting for him would not be another tragedy. 

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