Chapter 8

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The first thing Lex recalled was the blistering cold. He really thought he'd gotten used to your speed. But he was still left in awe whenever you traveled at inhumane speeds. Standing out in the snow, staring at the glass structure in the distance, it was hard to believe such a thing existed.

You glanced at him.

"No matter how many times we come here, you always look the same."

You were smiling at him so fondly.

"I've been here before?"

You nod.

"For my birthday I brought you here. You wanted to know everything. Past, present and future. I kept thinking that would be the breaking point. That you would finally decide it was too much and just leave. But you never did. You just looked at me. Kind of like the way you are looking at me right now.."

Like you were the purest being he ever met and he'd fight titans to keep you safe? Surely you couldn't read his mind. He needed to work on keeping his feelings more hidden.

You cleared your throat, looking ahead. An action he noticed you'd been doing a lot lately. Whenever you catch yourself in these moments, you seem to make a habit of pulling away. Lex didn't confront you. He would have time for that after the both of you figured out what entity was apparently after him.

He followed your lead, eyes scanning each pillar that crossed his view. When you both walked into the entrance, you were on a mission. You moved to the center, right next to an area with an assortment of crystals that were arranged right at your feet. You reached in, pulling one of them as a glow emitted.

"I'm here. Jor-El." You sound furious, for good reason.


The echo was not what Lex expected, but at this point, nothing should surprise him.

"What did you do Jor-El!! Why is someone after Lex, why does he have memories of a different reality!!"

"You seem sure that these are the workings of me."

"I know it's you!!"

"You are the only Kryptonian on earth Kal-El. I am the will of Jor-El, but there are certain boundaries even I cannot breach. The culprit you seek is right in front of you. You just refuse to see it."

You take a step back. This wasn't making any sense.

"What does that mean?!"

"You are human as much as you are Kryptonian. Your emotions in situations reflect your humanity. When faced with the prospect of losing someone you love, is it not safe to assume you reacted irrationally."


A flash of light erupted from the ground. You stare at what looks like a memory playing right in front of you.

It was Lex's accident, playing in real time just like a movie.

"Is that?" Lex stepped closer to you as you both stared.

You could see it, Lex's car that had been flipped. You could see the blood running down his forehead. Morgan Edge had walked out of his car, that sinister grin on his lips.

"You should mind your own business Luthor." He lifted the gun, and your breath staggered.


It echoed right in front of you, and a glow, followed by an explosion went off right before your eyes. Morgan's body was thrown back, and you gaped at the visual of you rushing to get Lex out of the car. You ripped off the handle, pulling him out.

Right at the point that you had cleared, both cars exploded. You'd been so focused on shielding Lex. By the time you turned back, there was nothing but rubble from the flames.

The visual disappeared almost instantly.

Even after you'd seen it, you still couldn't grasp what happened.

"I did this.."

This wasn't some test from Jor-El, but your guilty conscience manifested.

Lex however was alarmed when he saw the very same symbol appear on one of the crystals above his head.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N) we need to get out of here, that symbol!!"

Your eyes turned to him, and he could practically feel the pain from your expression.

Lex's face fell.

"No..NO!! This isn't your fault you hear me!! I don't care what my life was before! I'm staying here with you!! This is where I'm supposed to be!!" He shook your shoulders in hopes that it would snap you out of this guilt.


But the light above his head sparked. The symbol becomes clearer. A tear dropped down your cheek.

"I'm sorry Lex..."


The space ignited with an explosion of light, once faded, nothing was left.

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