Shiki: Summer Teases

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"Oh cmon, Shii-kun." For the nth time that day, Shigure was nudging his son softly with a smirk.

"Dad, cut that out-" the younger male huffed stubbornly and continued to read and ignoring his father.

Sawa was staying over for a while after her mother had exploded on her once again. With the help of Shiki, his own mother stepped in and beat some sense into the deranged woman. The two girls had been hanging out together in the kitchen all day and making baked goods to help their moods. His father definitely didn't miss the fond gaze of his son as he watched Sawa hang out with his mother. Shiki found it endearing. The two were bonding on how both of their mothers sucked beyond Hell.

"Go on. You don't do it sooner or later, you'll lose your chance." The former dog smirked softly behind his ornamental fan and chuckled when he recieved a glare.

"Quit teasing him, Gure. Maybe you're the reason he's still single, because you creep away everyone he meets." Akito now stood over them, her oven mitted hands perched on her hips.

"You wound me, darling! I have his interests best in mind, Aki." The dog dramatically whined at her feet before getting up and sweeping her off her heels. The action caused her to squeak in surprise and then beg to be put down. They had guests over.

"You two are gross." Shiki gagged to the side.

"But I think it's adorable." Sawa had come over, wooden spoon in her own oven mitted hands as she watched the scene.

"Yea until you've lived with them for fourteen years." The boy just sighed tiredly and got up from his seat.

"Well it's better than.." his friend fell silent again, lowering her gaze to her shoes.

Shiki now felt bad. She had grown up with a selfish and abusing mother, always wishing for a better home. This place was a heaven for her, a place to escape the world she was born in.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have said that. What I meant was that I love them but sometimes they're annoying. That's how a real family is, we get on each other's nerves but we're still here for each other." He smiled at her while watching his parents laugh and tease each other as if they were always like that. Seeing the two while knowing their past made him happy. They were free from their curse. He couldn't be happier.

"Seeing you with them makes me jealous sometimes but that's because you all seem so happy. I don't know your family's past completely, but I can see that you all are close. Makes me wish my mother was like you guys. But I do enjoy being around here, because you guys let me be a part of that happiness. It doesn't make me feel like I'm burdening anyone." The girl just smiled and answered back, taking off her oven mitts and pocketing them.

He couldn't help but just smile and blush because of her words. He appreciated her existence more than anything. Maybe his dad was right, maybe he should take that chance.

Slowly, shyly, he slid his hand into hers and held it. He wasn't expecting her to intertwine her fingers with his and just hold him back.

His heart was complete.

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