Shigure: Comfort Pillow

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Akito was right. He never showed emotion. Yet now he was. Fear wracked his mind as he paced outside the door, biting his nails and even tugging at his own hair. Hatori said it would scar, that he would have to stitch it back up. His son was fine, but what of his wife? She was the one who took the blow from that woman.

He didn't get there until it was already too late. Ren had already struck, the force of her blow tossing the former god aside and onto the ground. He remembered the sickening snap of her head hitting the ground. And the blood, god the blood. His trembling son did his best to wake his mother up but it didn't do much. Shigure was furious. This woman did not want to leave him alone. She was going to kill everything that he loved just to have her way. He'd be damned if his wife and son were taken away from him. Hatori and Yuki had dragged him away as the maids dragged Ren as well.

The sight of his son sobbing beside his mother brought him back to reality. Gently, he picked up young Shiki into his arms and held him close, whispering sweet and calming things. This was no scene a 5 year old should see yet Ren could care less.

"She's able to be seen now." Hatori stepped out of the room, finally lifting the anxiety up from his shoulders. He silently thanked his friend but that wasn't his main priority. His priority was the small woman lying on the bed, bandages covering the left side of her face. She was safe, that was all that mattered to him.

"So, how does it look?" She croaked softly from her spot, moving her bangs from her face.

He couldn't help but smile and kiss her on the temple, holding her close. "You're still beautiful to me, regardless of what anyone says." His words made her smile. Her smile only grew wider when their son joined them a few moments later. Thank the heavens he was safe, and Shigure knew that if Akito was given the chance, she would jump in front of that knife all over again. Her kindness and his son's endless love were what kept him grounded. His comfort.

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