Hatori: 5th Month into Reform

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"A-are you sure..?" Her trembling voice made the dragon spirit wish he were anywhere else except explaining how this worked to his god. God damn Shigure, couldn't wait a few years to do this to her? Then again, this was the idiot dog they were talking about, he didn't know how to keep it in his pants.

"Yes, I am the doctor here after all. You're about a month along. You still have some time to think about terminating it but like I said, some time. I advise talking with Shigure about it first though." He regretted saying anything now due to her worsening shakes. Her hands were shaking so violently as fear wracked through her body. He knew this was bad, she wouldn't even have to terminate the baby if she kept stressing so violently. Where was his stupid friend when he needed him? Well he didn't need the dog per say, Akito needed him. He was her only crutch in this world.

"Hatori, what do I do? Tell me, what should I do?" She had come over and grasped the nape of his white coat and started to shake him where he sat. "I can't raise a fucking child! Ren made sure of that shit years ago!" She spat into his face. In so many ways, she was still that trembling child from months ago.

"Well if you would stop shaking me, I could help you." Her gaze changed to a shade of darkness as she let go of him, suddenly afraid of her own hands. Yet he still wrapped an arm around her thin shoulders and held her close to his chest. After all these years, all that she had done, he still treated her as if she were his own daughter. He felt her hand being set over his blind eye, the one she had cut open years ago. Her trembling hand continued to shake even as he took her tiny hand into his own.

"Hatori.. what do I do..?" She buried herself into his torso, sobbing loudly. She was no graceful crier, her cries were so much like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Yet he still held her, keeping her grounded while Shigure wasn't there. Granted, Shigure could do it so much better than him but it was still something.

"Well.. if you choose not to terminate, there are multiple vitamins and supplements you need to take. As well as increase your weight as much as we can. Your small body and weak systems wouldn't survive for long if you didn't take care of yourself." She only nodded, not adding any commentary. "You keep saying that you don't know what to do yet you're still listening. What's stopping you?"

"Her.." he knew who 'her' was. Ren Sohma, the crazed mother of Akito. The devil in woman's clothing. Akito was raised as a male, didn't know how to be a woman. This world was new to her and most things were foreign. Ren blocked her from learning anything. Reading and writing were off the table, it would influence her to be her true gender instead of a male. In Ren's cursed words, Gods can't be female. And if she were female, everyone would hate her.

"Don't listen to her, Akito. You know how insane she is, so why take her word into account? Just be Akito, and if you need help, ask us. I know Tohru would be honored to help you."

Just be Akito. She knew he was right, he usually was. And so she mentally decided that she could do it. She had all she needed, minus the physical aspect. All she had to do was avoid her mother. Knowing Ren, that was going to be hard as hell to do.

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