Kisa: 3rd Month into Reform

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The god was surprised when the tiger came to see her. The tiger's mother had just dropped her off before going to run errands in the big city. The small 11 year old anxiously stepped into the flat, taking her shoes off and politely asking for some tea. Of course, the god couldn't refuse her demand. Then the god remembered: she was just a child. Plain and bitter tea would be unappealing to a child.

The tiger looked more relaxed when Akito set down different things like honey and sugar to add in so it was sweeter. Easier to drink. Her demeanor only relaxed more when she spotted the Mogeta figurines on a shelf by a stack of Shigure's books. "I didn't know you liked them.." the sweet and tiny voice of her tiger. Like little bells in her ears.

"Oh.. yea, Shigure got them for me since he saw me watching it a few weeks ago." This seemed to catch the attention of the tiger. Her face brightened with a new idea.

"I can bring over my entire dvd collection! We could watch all of them, even the movies!" The once shy tiger was now excited and bright. An intoxicating brightness.

"That would be nice. Though we'll have to somehow chase Shigure away so we could have a little girl's night." The god surprised herself after winking to the child and smiling. Even the tiger was surprised.

She was even more surprised when she excitedly hugged her. Akito felt her old fears resurface. She could hurt little Kisa again. Yet the happiness the tiger emitted only chased those fears away. Dear shy little Kisa. What mother wouldn't want a sweet thing like her?

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