Hatori: No Rest For Doc

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Today was quiet for the doctor, luckily. His fiancée was out with her friends and he had no patients today. He had the day to relax and rest. Too quiet.

As if on cue, he heard his front door slam open and a hurried shuffle of feet dive behind his armchair. He sighed in annoyance. He knew the silence was too good to be true.

"Ha'ri, hide me!" The dog zodiac cowered behind the chair, pleading his best friend to shelter his cowardice.

"Who are you hiding from now-" the doctor rubbed his forehead as the other male whined in response. "You touched her chocolate stash, didn't you.."

"I was hungry! You can't blame me for not resisting the sweet treat of the gods!" He was right, he couldn't blame him. But he wouldn't steal from his fiancée's stash. Especially if he had money to go and get it himself. "And it may or may not have been the last of her favorite kind.." this caused the doctor to sigh harder and get up from his seat. He knew what was coming. A very hormonal woman who just wanted to fulfill her pregnancy cravings. And knowing his past patients, touching their food was the last thing anyone wanted to do.

"WHERE IS THE BASTARD?" Lo' and behold, the victim of the soulless crime. Luckily she was unarmed for now, but knowing her past outbursts, that would probably change soon. To be honest, he had never seen Akito so furious in his life. He could kinda understand why the dog zodiac was afraid. However Shigure brought that on himself. So to stay out of the crossfire, the doctor stepped aside and just pointed a thumb to the spot the man hid.

"You heartless feind!" The man popped his head up as comical tears streamed down his face.

Oh how the doc wished for that moment of silence again.

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