i. lectured by a pervert

Start from the beginning

Spiderman glanced up at her, "Thanks, Mia."

Mia shrugged innocently, "Like I said. I'm such a clutz."

— — —

"You're an hour late," Klaus told them as they walked inside the manor.

Elijah chuckled, "Yes, well we had to file a police report."

Kol grinned, "Who did our sweet little Mia kill this time?"

Mia gasped dramatically as she laid down on the couch, resting her head on Rebekah's thighs, "If I tried to kill someone I wouldn't get caught, would I?"

"So why did you have to file a police report, darling?"

Elijah grinned as he sat down, "She close lined someone."

"He deserved it," Mia told them as she smiled up at Rebekah, "You look pretty."

The Original chuckled softly, "You look pretty too, love."

The newly turned vampire glanced down at her watch before getting up, "I'm gonna start dinner."

"Do you need help?" They all asked, slightly unsure of her cooking abilities after the last time they let her cook.

Mia rolled her eyes, "I think I can handle it."

— — —

"Shit," Mia muttered as fire covered the stovetop. She quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the fire as the four Mikaelsons walked in.

They all stared at her with amused looks.

Mia looked at them with a look that resembled a kicked puppy, "I, uh... I think we should order take out. And get a new kitchen."

A small flame appeared once more and she quickly put it out. She sprayed it a few times, white foam coating the kitchen from the extinguisher.

They laughed softly at the comical sight.

Mia glared at them, "Be happy I didn't pull an Elena Gilbert and burn your house down."

— — —

Mia moaned deeply as Rebekah sped her against a wall. The force had knocked a few pictures off the wall but neither woman seemed to care as their lips collided.

The Avenger grinned as she sped Rebekah to the bed, "I have to pick up Peter from school, Bex."

Rebekah moaned softly as the blonde bit her lip, "Can't he wait a few minutes?"

"He'll call me a child abuser again if I do that."

The Original laughed softly as she held Mia's hips, "I guess I'll let you go..."

Mia grinned as she softly kissed her soulmate, "I'll be back in twenty. Oh, and check the bottom drawer. Early birthday gift," She told her with a small smirk before walking out of the room, leaving the woman flustered.

"What's that look for?" Klaus asked as she put on Elijah's coat once more in the doorway.

Mia shrugged innocently, "What look are you talking about?"

He smiled down at her as his thumb trailed along her jaw, "The one on your face right now. What'd you do?"

Mia smirked, "Just a little harmless teasing. I'll be back in a bit."

He nodded before pressing his lips against hers, "Be safe."

"I will be."

— — —

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 | 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now