013 - Familiar Feelings (3)

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Two days have passed. Currently, Nefeli is styling Cale's hair neatly and beautifully. But she also makes sure that Cale is comfortable.

Because this morning they were going to the capital. She also chose a comfortable but also luxurious outfit. Because she couldn't possibly make her beloved son ugly in the eyes of people!

They all need to know the cuteness and beauty of her beloved son.

- what do you think of your appearance today honey?

"Wow..." Cale was amazed.

Because despite its luxurious appearance, It didn't make him uncomfortable at all, In fact, it was very comfortable for him.

He knew very well that his adoptive mother liked to dress him a bit femininely, But today...if only his hair was a bit longer...then he was sure that people would think of him as a girl!

" i love it mom!" Cale smiled brightly toward his mother.

Nefeli replied to Cale with her gentle smile.

suddenly the bedroom door opened and revealed a butler with a vicious smile.

it was Ron.

" Young master, The Count says when you're ready we can go straight away."

Ron could see his puppy young master with a neat and luxurious appearance but also a bit feminine, of course he knew why his young master looked like that.

He turned to his young master's side and found a half-transparant woman with white hair and ruby red eyes who was still smiling.

-Cale, you go first with ron.

"Why? Mom won't come?? "

Cale had a pitiful face, while Ron frowned.

-No,no honey... I'll come with you, But I have business for a moment, Don't worry, as long as the ring still with you, I can immediately teleport to where you are.

"Hmm...okay then, but don't take too long mom!"

-yes-yes I won't

Nefeli stroked Cale's head before Cale finally left with Ron.

The half-transparent woman's smile disappeared when her son left and only left herself in the room.

A gentle wind greeted the red-haired child outside happily, They would even dance around the child if only the child could hear them.

The red-haired boy could see his family and the many servants and soldiers around.

" father, mother thank you for waiting for me." Cale smiled faintly, Those reddish-brown eyes stared at the Count and Countess.

They both smiled too.


"H-hyung-nim! You look more
Beauti- ah, Handsome today!"

Basen covered his mouth as he wanted to compliment his hyung-nim with the word 'Beautiful',then continued his words again.

Cale was silent for a moment then opened his mouth.

" Thank you Basen."

It's not that Cale doesn't like praise from Basen, but because he doesn't want to be praised as beautiful except by his mother who really likes to dress him up.

it just....Feels weird...to him.

"Dongsaeng! you look very beautiful today!"

'what? Who the hell is you're dongsaeng?'

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