009 - Meet Again (5)

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A cute small child a with blood-red hair, was sitting under a tree...but unfortunately the child was crying.

"Hiks- h-hiks" 

The child began to think... that he was not supposed to be born.

many people refer to him as a cursed child and a disaster child.

he could not understand.

why do they call him a cursed child?

what did he do wrong?

he didn't do anything....he kept quiet and didn't do anything...So why do they all call him a cursed child?

"What happened to you dear?"

The child turned around, and saw a beautiful woman with long white hair and a soft smile.

it was his mother.

"M-mother....nothing, Nothing happened"

the woman sat next to the blood-red haired child.

"Honey...am I not your mother? "

"W-what?! N-no! Mother is mother! How could i-" the woman smiled, then stroked the boy's head gently.

"So...Will you tell me what happened?" Hearing his mother's words made the child lower his head.

" It's okay if you don't want to say it, you can say it when you want to say it"  the boy turned towards the white-haired woman who was still stroking his head gently.

" no need to force yourself."

after a while, the child finally fell asleep in his mother's lap.

The woman carefully and gently held the child and walked towards the bedroom.

the woman slowly made sure that her son was in a comfortable position and tried not to wake him up.

the woman put her child slowly on the bed, She then covered her child.

the woman kissed the child's forehead then stroked his hair gently and made sure that her child was still sleeping soundly.

"Have a good dream my sunshine...."

a nine year old boy with blood red hair opened his eyes slowly and noticed a look that didn't look too familiar.

'ah-....Right....i'm in harris village.. '

The child tried to get up but his body felt very heavy, Even his vision was now blurry.


'hot....why so hot...? '

cale started to close his eyes, but he felt really hot!

when he closed his eyes he suddenly felt something quite cold.

Cale tried to open his eyes. His still blurry vision prevented him from seeing clearly who was beside him.

"Young master, Take a rest" recognizing the owner of the voice, Cale immediately closed his eyes again.

- You're weak, So weak. I now know why you are getting blessings from him... besides, you're interesting! very interesting!

Lunatic...that voice definitely lunatic.

Cale was very sure that that voice was similar to his mother's...but different from his mother's soft voice, this voice sound like a lunatic.

Because thinking too hard Cale ended up losing his consciousness due to using up too much of his energy.

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