The Liar Among Us

Start from the beginning

As the game started, many students snuck into the room and were live recording on the school's website. "Start the show." Luka grinned while eating some popcorn. They were standing behind Max, recording and showing everyone's screens. They all saw Lila's screen read IMPOSTER and the teen's wicked grin. 

"This will be so easy," the orange player bragged. She had full confidence that she would win. Besides, it's just a game. No real harm is going to be done. If she lies, she can just say it's part of the game. They would believe that, right?

The expected outcome of the game occurred. Lila's group teamed up to stay alive and were attempting to convince Team Marinette to switch sides or bargain them to say if they are imposter. They obviously failed, but asked one more time. They didn't want to see them get used by the liar. Funny isn't it?

Alya huffed in annoyance. "Let's go, gurl, we don't need them!" Lila faked a smile and left with Alya. The imposter took note of Juleka leaving with Rose to Navigation and quickly made up a plan.

While Alya did wires in Storage, Lila sabotaged the lights and made her move. She vented to Navigation, where Juleka left Rose to fix lights. Her kill was swift, and vanished before Alya ever noticed she was gone. Juleka reported the body, regretting leaving Rose alone.

"It's a self report!" Lila exclaimed as Juleka explained what happened. "It has to be! They left together when we went to do tasks."

"Ok, so it's Juleka." Alya concluded.

"What about her side of the story?" Marinette raised her eyebrow. As someone who wanted to be a reporter, personally she wasn't doing a good job.

"Yeah, she should be heard out, dudette." Nino agreed with his childhood friend.

"Fine. What's your side?" Alya faced the purple player.

"I was with Rose in Navigation, and told her to stay there when the lights went out. I didn't want to risk her leaving with me and dying right next to me and getting framed for it. But when I come back, she's dead."

"I'm just going to skip," Adrien said, casting his vote. He didn't want there to be conflict. He knew about the plan, but just didn't want to cause a mess of things.

"Adrien, if you want to win this game, you need to actually CHOOSE a person at some point. Don't skip every turn." Chloe spoke.

"I'll skip too, actually. I didn't see Juleka in Electrical, but I didn't see Lila there either." Marinette declared.

Even though they fought for Juleka with evidence, it still wasn't enough. Since most of the players were sheep-dominated, the votes ended with 5 for skip and 2 for eject. Juleka was spared and Lila growled.

Luka was livid at the fact that she tried to get his sister out like that so quickly. She didn't even do anything to her. He made sure to make note and get payback later.

Everyone else in the crowd was shocked. At least those who thought Lila was telling the truth. They never saw the Italian to be such a quick liar. Mrs. Bustier was starting to doubt that Marinette truly did all the awful things Lila said, and Mr. Damocles was starting to regret his quick actions of expulsion over one student's word.

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