Familiar voices

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Chikakos POV

Arriving back home from the funeral, I then drop my bags and slowly close the door behind me.
I then collapsed, resting my arm over my eyes to avoid any tears.
I only knew the kid for a year, so why does his death affect me so much?
No, I don't think it's just his death affecting me.
Aimi and Tatsuya also died, along with the stress of the fire and the children dying left and right.
Maybe that's it...
After this ends I should just take a break...

That's when I heard my phone begin to ring.
Who's calling me at this time?!

Slowly, I then opened my bag and looked at the caller.
Eito, did something happen?!
I thought that dumbass could handle it.

I then picked up the phone trying to mask the fact that I was crying a second ago.

"What the hell went wrong?!-"

Eito-"I see you've already figured out why I called."

"Enough with the small chitchat, what the hell happened?!"

That's when he took a deep breath and then lit a cigarette.
I could tell because of the spark noises on the other side.

Eito-"The girl killed herself..."

"Which one? There were many-"

She left a note behind her.
Her suicide was so grotesque.
I don't know how I'm supposed to clean this up..."

"I... I honestly don't want to know.
Just. What does the note say?"

Eito-"It's a letter to her parents I think. Viper was talking to 3rd person like she had an out-of-body experience.
Kir truly put us up against insanity, huh?"

While Eito was nervously laughing I then grabbed my keys.

"So you want me to deliver the note then."

Eito-"I would like you to, but, judging by the stuff Hebi says in this letter, I'm not sure they would give two shits about her death."

"I see, well I'll be by to pick it up. Just drop it off at the front door.
Pin it down or something so the wind doesn't catch it."

Eito-"Got it.
Well, I have to get back to work now.
It's about breakfast and I have the door wide open."

"You have the door wide open?!-"

Eito-"Chill, they're all still locked up in their cells."

"Well lock it up before I'm there."

I then hung up and quickly bolted out of the door again.
How many times am I going to get up today?

I then drove over to the prison and saw the note stuck in a plant outside.
Great job genius, that'll surely keep the wind from blowing it away.

Shaking the dirt off of the note I then read it.

Eito was right, she did have an out-of-body experience.
But why?
Could've it been from the shots we were forced to give them?
Whatever it was from it doesn't matter now, Kirs making us kill each other and we still have no idea.
Ugh, I can't convince Eito of this fact though. He thinks I'm full of shit ever since he started his drugs.

I then got into my car and read the address given at the bottom of the page.
Arriving at a 2 story building, I then pulled into the driveway.
It looked busy, and from what I could tell in the windows, it looked like they were having a party of some sort.

Should I come later?
Also, who the hell throws parties at 8 PM?!

No, maybe it's an ongoing one from last night.
Still, I should deliver it.
Otherwise why the hell did I waste gas coming here?

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