Dropped dead

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Resting my head on my bed I was then startled by the commotion outside of the building.
Is it my hallucinations acting up again?!
When will Wil ever leave me alone?!

That's when I heard Gesshiru laughing in the corner, not thinking anything of it I then heard him mention the commotion from outside.
So it's not just me, something is happening outside of the building.
But why? Who is it?

Chikakos POV

After restless hours of watching over the prisoners, I then heard the chime of someone clock in.
Opening the camera room door, I watched as Koji lazily wandered into the building.

"Koji! Why the hell are you here? You get the morning shift off!-"

Koji-"No I-I don't. Since I d-didn't stay the w-whole night I don't g-get to stay after t-today.
It's your turn, C-Chikako."

He said yawning, still rubbing his eyes.
Oh forgot about that rule, but, I don't think they can handle just two guys working here by themselves.
Only if that shit for brain Kir would send over more people for us. Officers and more medical assistants.
It'd make this job a hell of a lot easier.

Watching Koji pass me, I hear the sounds of banging on the walls from outside of the facility.

"Is it Eito?"

Koji-"I... d-don't think so."

That's when I rushed into the camera room to check the front of the facility.
There were thousands of civilians outside of the building.
They were all throwing rocks at the windows and banging on the walls with construction wood that was found around the city.

Wait, that Instagram comment! They said that they were going to do something about it and they'd discuss it in a group chat.
But, why now?! What type of morons are they?!

I then went out of the building and grabbed Koji's hand.
Jumping back, he then started to quiver his voice even more.
He must be terrified, this is his first time in the police force after all.
I couldn't imagine only being 19 and having to deal with psychopaths on the job.

I then grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Kir's number.
But, unfortunately, it went straight to voicemail.


Koji-"Chikako it's o-okay, first, we should t-try and find E-Eito. In case it gets b-bad we need t-to at least g-get everyone out first."

"Ugh, he can take care of himself, I can't lose this job so I have to try and protect this building.
I'm going out there to try and stop these teenagers from destroying the place."

Pushing away Koji's hand I then snatch a gun off of the wall and started heading towards the door.
That's when Koji grabbed my hand and then shook his head.

Koji-"It's not s-safe out there. It's one o-of you versus t-thousands of others.
It d-doesn't matter that y-you are a-armed because y-you can't legally s-shoot any of t-them."

That's when I halted, he's right, if I go out there shooting ill end up in prison.
But, what the hell are we supposed to do?!
Kirs not answering and by the time any other police force gets here, it'll already be too late.

That's when I saw Eito leave the restroom and then walk toward us.

Eito-"What the hell is going on?"

"There are some kids outside who are destroying the place. They're armed and there are thousands out there."

Eito-"Holy shit."

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