Here, I'll tell you

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Chikakos POV


Kids outside-"Let them out!"


He was smiling at me...
Waving his hands...
Koji you...

That's when the building collapsed on him, causing his blood to scatter across the pavement.

My mind was filled with so much grief at that moment.
That's when I finally got a grasp of the situation and started to wail.



Before I knew it, the kid was burning from the inside.
Blisters upon blisters appeared on his face as he bleed out.

-End of flashback-
-A week after the incident-

That's when I woke up in tears.
Slowly getting up from my bed, I then look at the time.


I slept for a while...

I then got up and headed towards the bathroom.
Brushing my teeth I then stopped to examine myself in the mirror.

My eyebags were horrible.
I didn't get much sleep at all last night...

That's when I headed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen for my pills.
My fluoxetine hasn't been working lately.
Maybe it's because I haven't been doing anything to help it.
Or is it because I work at a death dudgeon?

Thankfully though, Kir got the kids into a  safe and secure prison. Unlike the other one that burnt down.
He was also talking about adding new members.
Finally? It took Koji's death to make him realize that?!

If he was even a little bit more considerate then maybe our staff would've still been alive!

Shit, I forgot his funeral was today.

I then quickly chugged down my pills and then headed towards my room for a pair of formal clothes.

Quickly fixing up my hair and then tying on my suit, I then ran out of the house with my keys in one hand and flowers in the other.

Those were the flowers he gave to me the day he joined the force.
He was a kind kid that didn't deserve this punishment...

Once I arrived I quickly looked around to find Kojis's family gathered at the funeral home.
Rushing over, I then push my way to the front.
There he was...

I'm guessing they couldn't find much of him left... so they just...
Cremated the remains they found...

I held my mouth, trying to hold back the tears from this morning...
It's been a week and I'm still not over it.

Eito couldn't come since he had to take the shift...

Looking back at the urn, I then tried to calm myself down...
They need to shut this procedure down...
None of us are going to survive at this rate...
At least some of the kids from the incident got sentenced.
The others though got away with their acts...

I want to quit, but I don't want to leave Eito there.
And even if I got Eito to quit as well, who would look after the children there?
They're going to get massacred without us...
I just...
Don't want to die in that building.
I don't... want to see anyone else die in that building...
I just... don't know if I can mentally take it anymore.

Fuck my life...

I then rest the flowers next to his urn and sat next to him for a bit.
I can't leave him alone again.
I shouldn't have in the first place...

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