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U~Irubāto's POV

The alarms woke me up to the reality in which I was placed. The sounds of chatter from feet and mouths went on as I rubbed my eyes to get a better focus.

Yume-"You sure are sleepy."

"Yume?... why do we have to wake up this early?-"

Ayame-"Keep it down. They're coming."

Looking around me, I could see everyone standing up and looking off from the bars of their cell.
Did I... miss something?
The door to the cell room then opened, revealing multiple police officers and then doctors with a tray of needles.
That's when a doctor walked over to my cell and began to unlock it.

"W-what... are you doing?!-"

Aimi-"Awe, don't worry little thing! They'll take care of you!"

Opening my cage, caused a sense of panic in me.
What were they doing with those needles?!
Was this the strikeout Yume was talking about?!

Hebi-"Hey! That's unfair! I wanted them today!-"

"I didn't do anything wrong!-"

That's when the doctor grabbed my arms and put them behind me.
There were policemen behind them to make sure nothing happened.
That didn't stop him though...

Wils POV

Looking around I desperately tried to find a way out.
Looking over my shoulder I then laughed as I twirled underneath the doctor, dislocating their shoulder.
After I got back up though, I was hit with a taser.

U~Irubāto's POV

Waking up, I then was strapped to a chair once again.
This time though, I was laying down across a medical bed.
Shaking and breathing uncontrollably, I tried to jerk my way out of it.
No use...
I then slowly looked over my shoulder to see the same doctor from before.
They had red-ish orange hair, with a white mask covering their face.
Their eyes looked wide open which started to creep me out.
What did I do...?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I!-"

That's when they shoved a needle into my vein, slowly pressing on the top of it so the liquid could go inside of me.
After they were done, they then put the needle down and continued to watch my heart rate monitor.
After a couple of minutes went by, they then wrote some notes down on the clipboard they had in their hands.

The girl who yelled for you...
Who is that and why does she?-"


Looking towards me and then back at the monitor, I realized they must've done something to Hebi to make her like that.
Did she develop a love for pain?
What type of disgusting place is this?

"Did you...
Does she work underneath you?
No... that wouldn't make sense..."

Looking at the needle I then read the label.
It isn't the injection...
That just reads test cure...
If it isn't due to the needles or corporation...
It must've been...

"Manipulation... You tricked her mind, tortured her until she gave in!-"

That's when they grabbed my neck and pulled me close to them.
As I started to panic the heart monitor continued in my path.

Doctor(Tatsuya)-"I! Didn't d-do anything...

Their voice was cracky and high-pitched.
That's when they slowly let go of my neck and then looked at my heart rate.
The beeping slowed down as well as my breathing.

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