We missed it?!?!

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Y/n saw jimin walking ahead her. She called him~
Y/n : Hey jimins_sshi?
Jimin :~Hum~ Just call me jimin.
Y/n : Um..Okay. So jimin where is Taehyung_sshi? Shouldn't we wait for him?
Jimin : One thing that I learned from travelling with him last year is that he can take care of himself pretty well. He knows what he's doing. So no need to worry about him.
Y/n : I understand but what if he ended up getting lost?
Jimin : ~Chuckle~ Taehyung and lost? You're kidding me. According to me, he knows more about mountains than hoseok. And I'm pretty much sure that he'll be already sitted in the train by the time we get in.
Y/n : Oh I see...
Jimin : Can I ask something?
Y/n : Yeah sure.
~They Finally reached their compartment and got in. ~
Hoseok : Everyone come here. From 18-24. Please take your seats everyone.
~Everyone started taking their seats. Jimin took y/n's duffel bag from her hand and said~
Jimin : Let me help you with that.~smile~
~Y/n mouthed a small thank you to him and took her seat by the window. Jimin then took his seat beside him~
Y/n : Taehyung isn't here yet..~Y/n asked anxiously~
Jimin : y/n...I told you there's nothing to worry about.
Y/n : Yeah... Anyways you were about to ask something. What was that?
Jimin : Where did you find Taehyung?
Y/n : Taehyung? I met him at the airport. He helped me when I got lost at the terminal.
Jimin : Jinja!?
Y/n : Yes. So I followed him in his meeting and then came here with him.
Jimin : You know I always felt like he is a nice person. It's just that he's bit reserved.
Y/n : Maybe.. He's bit bipolar.
Jimin : ~chuckle~ And why is that?
Y/n : You know like one moment he'll be annoyed at me because I talked too much but on the next moment he'll crack lame jokes to ease the atmosphere.
Jimin : He is quite something..
Y/n : Yeah. You know what..when we are heading to the restaurant I tried telling him about-
~small thud~
~Y/n stopped talking as packed bento box was dropped on her lap.He looked up and saw Taehyung who was putting his bag on the overhead compartment.~
Y/n : What's this?
~Taehyung looked down at her and replied~
Taehyung : Never seen a bento box?
Y/n : Huh?! No. I mean yes. Of course I've seen.
Taehyung : Then stop questioning and eat. It's not beef.
~Saying this Taehyung took the empty seat while y/n kept looking at him dumbfoundedly. ~

In y/n's head:::
Did he just made my heart race...

Nia : Where are you gonna seat Hoseok_sshi?
~Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts by Nia's voice. Y/n immediately looked around and saw the seats. All were already taken~
Hoseok : Don't worry. I'll be at compartment N .I couldn't get all tickets together. So I'll be sitting there. Call me if you need anything.
~Hoseok was about to take his bag when suddenly Taehyung stood up from his seat and said~
Taehyung : I'll take that. You can seat here.
Hoseok : It's fine Taehyung_ah..You don't need t-
Taehyung : I insist. See you at aomori. I'll be at the main gate.
~Taehyung grabbed his bag headed towards his seat leaving others. Y/n looked back to find Taehyung but he was already out of her sight~
Hoseok : So everyone from here it will me 3.5 hour journey to Aomori station. We'll wait their till morning and then take the first bus from their to hakkoda. I hope I'm clear.
Everyone : Yes..
~The train started leaving. Y/n looked at the window and wondered. ~
In y/n's head:::::
Will he be fine there alone...
Jimin : What were you thinking ?
Y/n : Huh?!
Jimin : You are spacing out.
Y/n : Ohh..I was just..Um nothing.
Jimin : If you say Soo...
~Its been almost like 30 minutes since they started their journey. Almost everyone fell asleep. Beside y/n jimin was also dozing off but he was trying hard to stay awake. While y/n was feeling anxious~
Y/n : Hey jimin ?
Jimin : Hmm..
Y/n : Would you mind if I switch my seat with someone?

~Here y/n was walking with her bags in the dark compartments. Almost all lights were turned off to ensure passengers sound sleep. Y/n finally reached compartment N and saw Taehyung. He was sitting at the window seat. His eyes were closed with earbuds in his ears. Y/n wondered if he fell asleep already. Beside him there was a young boy who was Busy in playing games in his phone. Y/n took steady steps towards them and gently called the boy.~
Y/n : Excuse me ?
The boy : Are you talking with me?
Y/n : Yes😅.
The boy : Yes?
Y/n : Um actually I was wondering if you would like to switch seat with me. I'm actually at compartment O. That guy beside you is my friend. We got separated on our way actually. It would be great if you could switch. No pressure though.
The boy : Um..Is your seat window seat?
Y/n : Yes yes.
The boy : Hmm..Okay. what's your seat number?
Y/n : It's 20. Thank you sooo much for your help.
The boy : It's fine. I was also hoping to get a window seat.
Y/n : ~smile~ Thank you.
~The Guy stood up from his Seat and got his luggage from. The sound woke Taehyung up. He abruptly got up from his seat and saw Y/n who was placing her bag in the overhead compartment. Taehyung took off his earbuds and said~
Taehyung : What are you doing here?
Y/n : Oh you woke up.
~ Y/n took her seat beside him~
Y/n : Sorry for interrupting your sleeping session.
Taehyung : I asked something.
Y/n : Oh..I thought you would want some company.😅
Taehyung : I never said that.
Y/n : Yes you didn't but it's not like you hate it. Who hates company anyways.😅😕
Taehyung : I do.
Y/n : Hey!! That's mean. You can say something like" Aww...That's sooooo thoughtful of you. Thanks for giving me company. I appreciate your effort"
Taehyung : Not interested sorry.
~He plugged the earbuds back in his hear and leaned into his seat again. Y/n was about to speak up again but he stopped her~
Taehyung : And I would prefer if you kept your mouth quite while I enjoy my peaceful journey.
Y/n : But I'll get bored.
Taehyung : I didn't ask you to follow me. So you better not complain.
Y/n : But what do I do now?
Taehyung : ~Sigh~ Eat yout bento box..write in your stupid journal or even better count the numbers of the passengers.
Y/n : Should I ?😕
Taehyung : Yeah Please.😑😑. Count the numbers of the male, female and child passengers oh yeah the staffs too. Don't miss any of them. And report me your survey after reaching the station. Deal?
~Y/n nodded her head determinedly~
~Taehyung's pov~
I hope this counting will keep her busy and she'll stop talking for a while.
Y/n : Hey Taehyung_sshi?
Taehyung : What y/n ? What!!!
Y/n : Thanks for the dinner~Smile~
Taehyung : 😳😳
Y/n : You are a warm person by heart. I Know it.
~Y/n said while eating from the Bento box. Her sudden compliment made him flustered but he gathered himself and replied~
Taehyung : No need to say thank you. I picked it up from the street.
~Y/n choked on her food. Taehyung immediately passed her the water bottled and rubbed her back. Soon y/n regained herself~
Taehyung : Chill will you. I was kidding. A lady gave it to me. It was a freebie.
Y/n : Ohhh..~cough~ Anyways thanks to the lady and you as well. ~cough~ sleep well.
Taehyung : Hmm..You too.
~Taehyung leaned on to his seat and turned on his side to see y/n. She was eating as well as counting the passengers.~
Taehyung : Dumb~ Whisper~
Taehyung : Hey y/n?
~Y/n gestured him to stop talking. So Taehyung again spoke~
Taehyung : Y/n!!!
Y/n : What?! I missed my counting because of you.
Taehyung : 😓 Sorry. Now Listen. Are you gonna sleep or not?
Y/n : No I need to complete my counting. Why are you asking?
Taehyung : Then can you wake me up at the Aomori station?
Y/n : Aomori station?
Taehyung : Yes?
Y/n : Sure. But you need to say the magic word.
Taehyung : 😓 "Please"??
Y/n : Nope. "It's Thank you y/n.You are the sweetest 😁"
Taehyung : That's a sentence . Infact 2 sentences. Not a word!!!! Honestly do you really study at SNU ?
Y/n : 😐 Can't you talk without insulting me.
Taehyung : I can . I just don't want too😏
Y/n : Yeah yeah whatever. Just sleep already.
Taehyung : Hm... Don't forget to wake me up.
Y/n : I won't .Now let me count!!
Taehyung : ok.
~Taehyung closed his eyes to sleep while y/n focused back on her counting.~

Time skip::::::

Taehyung woke up. His face was facing the window. Rays of morning sunlight almost made him blind. He turned his head slightly to the opposite side while rubbing his eyes but stopped after feeling heaviness in his right shoulder. He blinked his eyes few times to take a proper look and it was y/n. Few starnds of hairs were falling over her cheeks. She was snuggling in his neck for comfort and was snoring slightly.
Taehyung : Why is the ~yawn~sun so bright at this time.
~A staff was passing the corridor with a food trolly.~
Taehyung : Excuse me?
Staff : Yes?
Taehyung : How far is the Aomori station from here?
Staff : Aomori station?
Taehyung : Yes.
Staff : It's been more than 2 hours since we left Aomori station.
Taehyung : What!!!
~Y/n woke up due to his loud scream abruptly~
Y/n : Whyyyyy areee you screm~yawn~ screaming? 🥱
Taehyung : Are you sure we crossed Aomori already?
Staff : Yeah.. Within few minutes we'll reach Akita station.
Taehyung : ~sigh~ Umm th-thank you.
~The staff left the scene~
Y/n : I'm sleeeeeppppyyyy.
Taehyung : Really!! Do you even understand what happening. Aish! I don't even know why I'm asking an idiot like you. Why didn't hoseok call me after not finding me at the main gate.
~Taehyung took out his phone from his back pocket hastily and tried to unlock it. But...~
Taehyung : Damn it. My phone's dead!! Ugh!!! It's all because of you !!
~Taehyung snapped angrily ~
Y/n : What? What di-did I do?
Taehyung : You said you won't sleep!! You said you'll wake me up before we Aomori station. What the hell were you doing? I clearly asked you to make Sure!!
Y/n : I-
Taehyung : You what?!
Y/n : I thought I'll be able to stay awake but by the time my counting reached
83 wait 84 I started feeling sleepy. I thought I'll make it by I fell asleep. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Taehyung : But you caused it!! How hard it could have been to wake me up huh?! Did I forced you to stay awake? No I Didn't. You could have just woke me up if you felt that sleepy.
Y/n : It just happened Suddenly. I said I'm sorry.
Taehyung : As if your sorry is gonna fix everything.
Y/n : I Know it can't but there's no point in arguing.
Taehyung : Then what can we do Ms? Please elaborate 😑
Y/n : Umm..Well we can get down at the next station. And take the next train back to Aomori 😐.
Taehyung : 😑😑
Y/n : What ? Do you have any better plan?
Taehyung : No but Beacuse of you I've to think for alternative plans now. If I hadn't met you today none of this would have happened!! I was on a peaceful trip now thanks to you it became a chaotic one!!
~Y/n bite her lips in guilt.~
Y/n : Umm .. I -
Taehyung : Quite!!
~Y/n became quite and looked down at her feets in guilty while Taehyung started packing his things. After he was done he got up from his seat and said~
Taehyung : We'll leave at the next station. Pack your things.
~Saying this Taehyung left the compartment. Y/n wondered where he went. She took out her toiletries and went to the washroom. After freshing up she came back and found him already in his seat. Y/n cleared her throat to grab his attention. But Taehyung completely ignored his existence. Y/n sighed and took her seat beside him. She checked her watch at it was almost 6 am in the morning. Y/n the weather was Quite windy since it was just 13 degrees now. Finally she was able to see yellow leaves of the trees. It finally felt like Autumn.


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Taehyung stood outside the store of the station as he took a look at the bento collection when the shop lady asked him in Japanese.

Lady : What would you like to have?
Taehyung: Ahm..do you have something with no beef in it? Like no beef at all?

P.S: Next episode will be uploaded tomorrow.

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