Part 2 - Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

Her head still ached and her limbs had as yet to recover its usual strength but the concern flickering just beneath Lady Mangmyeong's eyes was enough to make her rise from her bed. She did not want to give the gentle lady any more cause for worry.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. I'm glad you're awake now," Lady Mangmyeong said as she helped the Queen sit up on her bed.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"You've been asleep for three days, Your Majesty. We were really worried for you."

So, it's been three days since I've lost you, my love. How long must I endure?

Her heart constricted as she thought of her lost love. No, we must wait awhile; there are still things to take care of.


Her reverie was interrupted when Chief Al Cheon entered, his bright smile indicating that he had already been told of her miraculous recovery.

"Your Majesty! Thank the gods, you've already woken."

"Yes, Chief Al Cheon. I'm glad to see you're doing well, too. I'm sorry to have worried you all. Now, there is something I'd like you to do."

"Anything, Your Majesty. I'm your servant."

"I would like you to assume the post of Sangdaedung," the Queen said, smiling at her long-time friend and confidant. If anyone deserved the position, it was no other than Al Cheon. He has the resilience, the fortitude and the integrity the position requires.

"Your Majesty! I don't think I deserve such a position. I'm just a simple soldier," Al Cheon replied, surprised at the Queen's magnanimous offer.

"Of course you do. You are more than qualified and you do deserve it. Our country would be privileged to have you as its Sangdaedung. Please, accede to my request."

"But shouldn't this appointment go through the council first?"

The Queen could not help but smile at her friend's sense of propriety. It further strengthened her belief that Al Cheon would make a great Sangdaedung.

"The appointment had already been approved by the Council. I've made the motion right after Lord Bidam was declared an enemy of the state," the last statement brought a new ache to her heart.

Al Cheon finally nodded, seeing the pain that flickered in his Queen's eyes. He knew how that simple statement had stabbed through her heart and he did not wish to let her dwell on the matter much farther.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for trusting me with such an endeavour. I will try my best to not disappoint you," Al Cheon said, bowing to the Queen in gratitude.

"I know you won't. And thank you for accepting. Now, can you please send someone to ask Gen. Kim Yushin if I could have a private word with him?"

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