Part 2 - Chapter 6

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The Queen woke up just in time to see Yushin leave the room. She wanted to call him back to ask him why he came but a sudden bout of dizziness kept her from getting up from her bed. She was able to get up only when the Palace Maid came to check-up on her. Physically, she felt rested. Mentally and emotionally, though, she felt drained and exhausted. To calm her jangled nerves, the Queen went to her favourite spot in the room, the window looking out into the lake. She’d always been soothed by the tranquil waters of the now darkened lake. This time, however, it was not peace that she found there but rather a deep sadness. It reminded her of the last time that she had spoken to Bidam. It was here, on the bridge overlooking the lake, that she had given him the ring. Until now she could not comprehend how Bidam could have taken that gesture so lightly.

How could you have doubted me? Did you really think that I would be able to send you away so easily? Why couldn’t you understand that I only did it in order to protect you?

            The Queen stood up from her chair and went to her desk. She then picked up the parchment that the Hwabaek, headed by Bidam, had sent her. It was an appeal to the people of Silla, a proposal put forth by the Hwabaek for the Queen’s abdication. Copies of this ‘proposal’ had also been posted in the townsquare and marketplaces. The Queen felt her hands shake in anger as she read the document again:

            The Hwabaek[1] proposes the abdication of the Queen Regnant for the following reasons: First: The Queen is not qualified to fulfil the grandiose dreams put forth by King Jinheung for the nation, Second: The continuing conflict with Baekje and Goguryeo indicates that they hold the Kingdom of Silla in contempt because they have an incompetent female ruler costing Silla the Daeya Fortress in the process. Third: Ashoka the Great’s auspicious prophesy clearly indicated that the Queen was not the rightful ruler of Silla. For the sake of the nation, The Hwabaek therefore implores the Queen Regnant to immediately abdicate the Throne and to let the rightful ruler take his place.

            And at the end of this declaration was the Sangdaedung’s signature. Chun Chu, Yushin and Al Cheon were outraged when they read the proposal earlier. Chun Chu had implored the Queen to immediately release an edict demanding the arrest of Bidam and the Hwabaek since this document was a clear indication of treason. The Queen refused, however, saying that this proposal could not be valid without the Sangdaedung’s approval.

A slightly frustrated Chun Chu pointed out that it had indeed been signed and endorsed by Sangdaedung Bidam himself. Still, the Queen adamantly refused to issue the arrest warrant. She insisted that they should not jump into conclusions; that the authenticity of the document must first be verified. The Queen pointed out this would not be the first time that his followers would forge Bidam’s signature and do things without his knowledge. She reminded them of the false agreement with the T’ang envoys before.

To pacify Chun Chu, the Queen promised that should the document be proven authentic beyond doubt she would not give any special pardon to the Sangdaedung and would immediately be stripped of his office and put under arrest. Chun Chu was immediately mollified by the Queen’s words. He knew that the Queen never went back on her word.

            Later that day, however, confirmation of the Sangdaedung’s treason was received in the form none of them had anticipated. The remains of the dead palace guard, Heuk San, was anonymously sent to Ingang Palace. On his body was found a copy of the Hwabaek proposal and tied to his neck was the ring that The Queen had given Bidam before she sent him to Chuwha Gun. This was undeniable proof that the proposal was indeed approved by Bidam himself. The Queen was then left with no choice but to declare Sangdaedung Bidam an enemy of the state.

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