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'Zaiden! I told you no jumping on the couch!' 'But-!' 'No buts Zaiden! You're teaching the boys wrong!' 'Fine, We're getting a trampoline then!' 'Fine, You're keeping it outside then!' Suddenly we hear Amanda from the hallways. 'Zaiden Zalius Slater! Get off the couch right now mister. You're worse than the children.' Zaiden sighs before getting off the couch and Alex and shawn, our youngest twin boys run over to Amanda hugging her before she Picks them up with Kaiden in tow before they come to greet me. 'You got everything handled alone? We know Zaiden is busy with the kids, We'll let him help you. Me and Kaiden will watch the kids.' 'GRAMMA AMANDA!' I hear Stacey running over to Hug Amanda before she walks over to Kaiden staring up at him. She suddenly pulls a sassy pose staring up at him almost trying to copy him. 'Grampa Kaiden.' 'You're too precious, Don't do that you little terror.' Kaiden picks her up laughing at her making her giggle before Abby comes waddling over. 'Stacey you're such a show off!' 'I am not!' I laugh at the kids before Kaiden and Amanda take them away and Zaiden walks over hugging me kissing my cheek. 'Alright, Let's finish dinner so that I can get my parents off my ass.' I laugh at Zaiden before he heads over to the kitchen and I hear Kaiden from the hallway. 'Zaiden Im taking the kids to your game room!' 'No the f-!' 'Language Love!' 'No the Frogs you aren't!' Zaiden runs off over to the hallway before I roll my eyes and continue making the food before Andrea walks over. 'Told you not to invite the grandparents.' 'Shut up Andrea, The kids love them.' 'Mhm-' 'Go annoy your girlfriends-' 'Fiance's actually.' 'You guys proposed??' 'Well, Me and Freya got proposed to surprisingly.' 'Wait.. Lizzy asked you two to marry you??' 'Yeah- Me and Freya we're planning to!' 'She beat you to it.' 'Who would've thought.' 'Took you long enough-' 'You had a kid! Of course you got married early you little shit.' 'Well I had Abby, Then Stacey a year later, What do you expect? He liked it.' 'Don't pull the fucking music lyrics out here.' 'Language! There are children.' 'Fair enough..' The twins come running back over to me hiding behind me with Alex in front attempting a growl. 'What happened?' I look up to see Zaiden hiding something behind his back. 'What are you doing??' 'Nothing-' 'Zaiden Zalius Slater-' 'Oh come on don't you start now too-!' 'Then show me what you have.' Zaiden pulls out his arm from behind his back with a small shark mask covering his hand before he kneels down chasing the boys away while they go around the couch a few times before he catches them and starts tickling them. Glad it ain't me anymore. Soon after the girls come running over before Zaiden backs away slowly. 'No.. No no no.. Come on girls.. We don't have to go there.' I watch as Stacey runs over to Zaiden and he pretends that she tackles him before she sits on his chest putting lipstick on him. 'Stacey! Go put away your lipstick it's expensive.' 'But Daddy looks so good!' 'Oh my gods..' I hear Zaiden laughing before he messes up Stacey's hair who's now having a hissy fit because her hair is a mess so I walk over picking her up and grabbing a hair brush to comb her hair out. 'There, Better?' 'Mhm.. Bad Daddy!' She turns to Zaiden giving him a glare that would be terrifying if she wasn't so cute. Abby though.. She has a glare that could kill if looks could... Sheesh, Bedtime is hell with her.. Luckily I can leave Zaiden to deal with his own Adorably scary spawn. Eventually Amanda walks back over before Laughing at the kids And Zaiden's chaos before hugs me again. 'I got so distracted by the little demons I completely forgot, Happy birthday Ash.' 'Thanks mom..' She messes up my hair before I walk back over to Zaiden putting Stacey down on Zaiden's chest. Not long After Abby walks over to me tugging at my sweatpants. 'Zaza?' 'Yes hun?' 'What's a stripper?' 'Oh my gods- What!? Where did you hear that??' I pick her up before she points at Zaiden and he quickly and gently puts stacey down putting his hands up. 'Before this gets out of hand.. I can explain..' 'Zaiden-' 'Ash-' 'Zalius Slater!' 'I can explain! I was having a conversation with Andrea and She asked what the term was for a dancer that takes their clothes off!' I perk my ears up looking over at Andrea. 'You did it on purpose didn't you??' 'Yeah, I did. Goodluck.' Andrea walks off before I shake my head. 'Abby, Ignore the Stripper thing. It's not for you right now, I'll explain when you're older.' 'Okay..' Abby walks off before Stacey pokes her head out from behind the couch. 'If a stripper is so bad what's a hooker?' 'Andrea!!' I hear Andrea Laughing like a Maniac outside before I hear Amanda and she storms past me towards where Andrea is before I start to laugh. 'A hooker is just.. A fish thing. To catch fish.. It's actually called a hook hun. Not a hooker.' 'Ohhh! Okay.' I sigh knowing at least it's something I can brush off before I hear Amanda yelling at Andrea. 'Okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry!' 'She dug her own grave.. I look over to Kaiden who's walking over before he messes up my hair. 'What is it with you guys and my hair?' 'It's surprisingly fluffy, I just wanted to Say thanks for taking Care of Zaiden. I haven't seen him like this for years..' 'It's.. a team effort I'll be honest.' 'That's true,  learned that the hard way. Just don't break his heart, I will do something I might regret. Might.' Kaiden walks off before I feel the chill down my spine. Sheesh. Glad I have no intentions of hurting Zaiden. Suddenly I hear Abby while she pokes her head up to the Island before I notice she's standing on the chair. 'Grampa Kaiden is so scary.. Yet so Awesome!!' 'Is he your favourite?' 'No, Aunt Freya is my favorite, But Grampa Kaiden is my favorite grandparent.' I suddenly hear Amanda gasping looking heartbroken. 'You prefer Grandpa Kaiden over me..?' 'Sorry Gramma Amanda but Grampa Kaiden's cool.. He's a lot like Daddy.' 'So I'm guessing Zaiden is your favorite parent too?' 'Mhm.' 'Okay then..' 'You're my favorite Zaza!'  I hear Stacey from behind the couch before she flops back down.' 'Thanks Stacey.' I laugh before the boys come running into the room with Zaiden picking them up and holding them. 'Can Daddy have a hug and a kiss??' 'No!' Alex shakes his head and Zaiden pretends to look hurt. 'Why not..??' I hear Alex giggling with an evil laugh before Shawn scolds him giving Zaiden a hug and a kiss on his cheek. 'Be nice to Daddy.' 'No! Daddy is mean.' 'Why am I mean??' 'Because you gotta convince Zaza Fow Ice cweam!' Shawn looks like a has a moment of realization before Zaiden looks over to me and I sigh. 'Guess you're going to have to be mean then.' 'Aw c'mon! A little Ice cream won't hurt, As long as they promise to eat their greens right??' He looks between the two and their nodding before he looks back at me. 'If you eat all your greens, I'll let you have Ice cream after dinner.' The two cheer before Abby looks back at me. 'Yuck! I hate Ice cream.. Can I have a smoothie!?' I look up at Zaiden before he puts the kids down. 'This is your baby.' 'I know cause I know how to-' Zaiden goes quiet before he walks over to the blender calling Abby over. 'So what do you want in your smoothie?' 'Bananas, strawberries, yogurt, milk, None of that Yucky green stuff though! And blueberries!' Me and Zaiden quickly share a look before I distract Abby and Zaiden tosses in some greens too since we both already know she won't eat hers. He finishes the smoothie handing it to her. 'This doesn't have green stuff in it right??' 'No of course not.' 'Good. Yuck.' Abby takes a sip of her Smoothie happily before walking off and Stacey pokes her head up from the counter sitting on the chair. 'You going to eat more than greens today?' 'I don't wanna..' 'Please? For Zaza's birthday? It'd make me really happy.' 'Okay... But only because it's for Zaza!' 'Alright, And if you really feel too uncomfortable don't forget you can always stop.' 'Otay! Abby! Let's go play Princess and Knight! We left off on a bad part! You never got to Save me from the tower and Carry me home!' 'I can't carry you! You're heavy!' 'Carry me on your back then!' 'fine!' The girls run off before Alex walks over to me tugging at my pants again. 'Yes hun?' 'Can I put Shawn in a dress and Make up??' I suddenly hear Shawn protesting and I watch him run off before I kneel down. 'You should go ask Stacey instead, she'd love for you to dress her up. But don't do anything without consent okay?' 'Okay!!' I watch as Alex runs off after Stacey and Abby, and Shawn comes back poking his head back out before I jump at Zaiden who suddenly grabs me to tickle me. 'Ah! ZAIDEN! I have a knife!!' 'Then put it down!' 'Damn it!' Amanda walks back in making Zaiden stop as she stares at him. 'What'd I do now??' I try to catch my breath while Amanda stares at Zaiden. 'I hope you don't think you get to torture your poor husband on his birthday of all things!' 'I- Mom of course not I'm just tickling him-!' 'And that's a form of torture!' 'It hasn't been since thousands of years ago!' 'Doesn't mean it can't be torture still!' Kaiden walks over with his hair in small ponytails and I watch him as he drinks his coffee before I turn around running my hands down Zaiden's arms before I look back up at him. 'If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, Woah! No! Cool it! I have great genetics, Not immunity.' I laugh before hugging him. 'I was just thinking how sexy you are.' 'Oh, so we're not thinking the same thing.' 'No, I was not going to ask for more kids.' 'Good, Those 4 little demon spawns are enough.' I suddenly hear Stacey all the way from her room. 'DAD YOU CANNOT TALK! YOU PROBABLY COME FROM HELL!' I start breaking down laughing before Zaiden stares at me and starts laughing. 'At least they have all your sass.' I look up at Zaiden who sighs. 'Unfortunately.' 

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