[Chapter 12]

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Me and Zaiden rush out of the room and over to an entire crowd of people. Zaiden manages to push through the people and when I finally get through I see an entire bloody mess with Zaiden holding back 2 kids. 'What the fuck is going on!?' 'That bastard spread a rumor about me!!' 'Calm the fuck down and both of you go to the nurse's office right now!' The two boys reluctantly get lead away by Mike before Clide points him over to where another fight is happening. 'What the actual fuck..?' 'You killed her Asshole!' Zaiden breaks it up again before looking at Clide. 'Now what??' 'That Asshole killed my girlfriend!' 'What?? What makes you think that??' 'He said so himself!' 'Would you two stop!? Go the the principal's office, Right now!' A bunch of kids get sent straight to the office within a couple of minutes, and fights were breaking out like the plague. 'Clide what the fuck is going on??' Zaiden crosses his arm staring at Clide and he just shrugs looking horrified. 'Apparently, a bunch of kids are getting info from some sort of unanimous source about shit, and apparently, they have proof.' 'Where the fuck are they getting all this??' 'Dunno but the guy tried me too.' Clide pulls out a phone holding it out to Zaiden before I hear Zaiden cussing under his breath. 'See if you can track that number, or ask your dad or something just fucking find out what's going on. I need to go deal with the kids in the office, Take Ash with you, I'm not letting him alone and much less with me, around all those self-absorbed pricks.' Zaiden walks off before Clide grabs my arm dragging me somewhere. 'Where are we going??' 'To find this phone number.' Clide drags me over into his car before he starts to drive somewhere. The car ride is pretty quiet for a bit until Clide breaks the silence. 'So.. You and Zaiden are official?' 'Yeah.. I think so- I hope so at least-' 'I'm pretty sure after the other night you're definitely official.' Clide looks over smiling at me. 'I just.. Nevermind.' 'What??' 'It's stupid.' 'So? I ask stupid shit all the time. No need to tell if you want though.' 'I'm just kind of afraid he'll be scared to stay with me if something goes wrong..' 'Like what?' 'Like.. If a rumor or something spreads or.. If he gets mad at me for something..' 'Nah, Zaiden wouldn't get mad at you. Your his mate. And as for the rumor, Never has he ever believed a rumor.' Clide goes quiet again and I look back up at him. 'What was the rumor about that the guy tried to piss you off with?' 'Oh- Uhm.. You shouldn't worry about.' 'C'mon please Clide! Was it something about Zaiden? I'll hurt them if it was.' Clide laughs at me before shaking his head. 'Nah, The rumor was spread only and personally to me, and It's something I already knew so it was a failed attempt.' 'You think they've spread anything about me..?' Clide looks off to the side looking slightly annoyed before looking absent. 'Clide.. Did they..??' 'No, No. You're fine they didn't.' 'You're lying aren't you..?' 'I-.. Ash, If I tell you-' 'Clide I'm not a fucking wimp, Just tell me.' 'I really don't think-' 'Clide!' 'It's not about being a wimp.. It's about the fact that they're going to hurt you and I won't let them.' I sit back before my phone goes off and I get a message from an unknown number. "Hey Ash right? Just thought you'd wanna know Zaiden ain't all that." I stare at the screen for a moment confused before a picture pops up from the number of Zaiden kissing another girl. I pull my ears back before staring at it. It's an old photo, It has to be. I open the picture fully staring at it before Clide grabs my phone. 'Don't look at that! It's not true and you know it.' 'Clide.. That was taken today..' 'You know photoshop exists! They could've gotten it from anywhere!' I just slowly nod lowering my ears. 'Ash! Do not start that shit. Zaiden wouldn't fucking do that. He was clinging to you during his panic attack, Zaiden rarely trust anybody like that.' I lift my ears up again staring out the window. He's actually right.. I haven't seen him acting weird or anything around anyone since we started dating. It's then that I get another notification but Clide is still holding my phone so I poke him. 'No, This is mine now.' 'Clide! What is it's my sister??' 'Then she can wait patiently for your return.' Suddenly my phone starts to ring and Clide looks at the screen before handing it to me. I answer it before I hear a silence on the other side. 'Andrea?' 'Ash I fucked up..' 'What?? What did you do what's wrong??' Clide looks over at me before turning his attention back to the road and I can hear Andrea has been crying. 'Andrea! Talk to me what's wrong??' 'Ash, Dad got out..' 'What..?' 'I bailed him out probably like last year, I wanted to fix things with him.. Now he's looking for both of us..' 'Andrea.. You bailed him out!?' 'He told me if I did he'd make it up to us for everything he did..' 'Andrea.. Are you home?? Are you safe right now??' 'Yeah.. I'm at Lizzy's place but he called me.. I never gave him my number..' 'You-.. Okay.. Stay with Lizzy, Is Kaiden home at least??' 'Mhm..' 'Okay, Then stay out, I'll deal with it.' 'Ash I'm sorry..' 'It's okay, I know you were trying to fix things.. You meant good..' I hang up the phone and Clide stares at me. 'My dad got out..' 'Is that.. bad?' 'My dad was in prison for murder.. Me and Andrea are next..' I pull my ears back before I realize I'm getting angry so I calm myself by staring out the window. 'Who's your dad??' 'Alex, Stone.' 'Shit..' We finally drive up to a house and Clide parks across the street. 'C'mon, Lets just get this over with then we're going to get your sister.' I nod before I get out and follow Clide into the house where, who I assume Clide's dad is, Is standing looking over with a cup of coffee in hand. 'What's going on-?' 'Dad I gotta figure out who's number this is, Think you can trace it?' 'I can try.' The guy takes Clide's phone and walks off with it. 'Let me know when you find anything!' Clide grabs me before we both head out the door back to the car and he starts to drive to Zaiden's house. 'Who did he kill?' 'I-..I don't really talk about it...' Clide looks at the road ignoring the fact he just asked me and It starts to drive me nuts. 'I don't get how you don't have the urge to pry,' 'I just don't since a lot of people have things they don't want to talk about including me.' 'It's nice though.. You not prying.' Clide nods looking over at me before we pull up to Zaiden's house and we go over to knock on the door and Kaiden opens the door. 'Ash-?' 'Is my sister here??' 'Uhm yeah her and Liz are upstairs, Clide why are you with him?' 'There's a bunch of fights breaking out and we kinda gotta figure out what's going on. Zaiden had to deal with the students.' 'Ironic..'I sneak past Kaiden running upstairs and I open Lizzy's door as Andrea  jumps up to run over to me. 'I didn't mean for this to happen.. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!' She hugs me and I wrap my arms around her comfortnig her and Lizzy is staring completely confused. 'Hi- Who-' 'You're Lizzy right?' 'Oh! You're Ash, Apparently my mother likes you a lot.' 'Not really a good time for discussion.' 'Why? What's going on? Andrea won't tell me..' 'She.. finds it harder to talk about it.. Our dad is basically on his way to try and kill us.' 'What??' 'Long story..' We hear a knocking downstairs before I walk over to an area by the stairs so I can see the front door. Kaiden walks over opening it and I pull my ears back before running back to Lizzy and Andrea. 'Andrea grab your things we gotta go!' 'What?? Is it dad??' 'No.. But you won't like who it is.' 'What?? What are you talking about??' 'Remember Grant?' 'Dad Teamed up with Grant didn't he!?' 'Obviously, We gotta go!' I flinch turning to the door when I hear someone leaning on it. 'Hey guys, Missed me?' I growl at him lowering my ears before Clide stares at the guy. 'Oh c'mon don't be like that. I'm not here for any trouble. For once.' 'Oh right, My father probably told you to say that-' 'Nope, I came here out of my own decision. I wanted to help since I heard he got out.' 'What is going on??' Clide stares between me and Andrea who are staring at Grant. 'Aren't you the one who CONVINCED my father to start drinking!?' 'That was years ago, And if you want to fucking make it out alive, You'll have to come with me, If you want Your buddies can tag a long so you know I'm not trying shit.' 'No fucking way I'm trusting you!' 'Fuck Ash! Listen to me for once, I used to change your diaper! Your father started drinking because I was in a depressed life style and for some reason that made him become an alcoholic!' 'Exactly! Your fault! You made him shoot our mother!' 'Ash! We gotta go! Can we argue in the car?? I don't want to go back to drinking before-' Suddenly Lizzy's Window shatters And we all fall to the ground before Grant runs over to the window staring out. 'Damn it! C'mon we gotta go!' Grant runs over grabbing Andrea and me and we start heading for the door before hearing Kaiden yelling. 'What the fuck is going on!?' 'Listen Alpha Kaiden, We can talk about this later, as of now these two have a fucking target on their heads!' 'What?? Who??' Kaiden reaches over grabbing his phone. 'Alex, Stone, Ex- South pack Beta.' Kaiden starts making a call and Grant starts shoving us out the door and into his car before Clide jumps into the back seat with Andrea and he starts driving somewhere. 'What if he saw us??' 'Good.' 'What?? What do you mean good??' 'I have an Idea.' 'What to get us killed!?' 'Uhm guys..' 'Hold on Clide, Grant you better fucking explain!' 'Ash! Andrea-!' 'I said hold on-' 'Andrea is bleeding! Damn it!' I turn to see Andrea is bleeding from a bullet wound and I stare at Grant who curses under his breath. 'Look in the glove box, There's a bandage and a med kit-' 'Why do you just have that on hand-??' 'Is now really the time to question my contents of my car!? Grab it and go stitch your sister up! She wasn't facing the window meaning it hit her from behind and the bullet wound shows at her stomach so the bullet probably went straight through, Stitch it roughly to help the bleeding and we'll try and get her to a hospital.' 'We can't afford to try we Have to get her to a hospital!' 'Ash I'm fine..! Let's just get this over with..' I sigh grabbing the stuff and climbing over the middle seat to try and stitch Andrea back up before Clide takes over. Andrea is in a lot of pain for obvious reasons and for some fucking reason Grant pulls over at the side of a road near a cliff. 'What the fuck!? Why are you stopping??' 'Because if I let him keep driving he'll shoot out my tires when he reaches us now stay in the car.' Grant gets out before opening his trunk grabbing something. I look back over to Andrea and Clide. 'I got the stitches in at least, But it might not last..' I start to get out before noticing that grant is holding a sniper aiming it at the road. I walk over to him. 'What are you doing?? You're going to kill him??' 'No, Just going to knock him out.' 'With a Sniper!?' 'It's called, Not hitting Vital Organs and hitting a specifically placed part.' 'You're going to kill him!' 'Ever heard of sarcasm Kid?? Obviously I'm going to kill him! He's going to keep trying to kill us.' 'Fair point but still!' 'Shut up you're distracting me.' 'What if you hit a random car??' 'I won't because I can see.' 'Grant-!' 'Ash-!' 'Do not pull my stunt!' 'Clide come get the fucking Kid!' Clide starts walking over and grabs me pulling me back over to the car. 'Look, Ash, sometimes it's needed to kill people, Take it from a guy with a cop as a father, Especially since he's going to keep trying to fucking kill you.' he points over to Andrea and I start to lower my ears again staring over at Grant. It's not long before I car drives up to us from a different side Grant is aiming towards and I hear a gun go off before someone gets out of the car walking over to grant who's now laying on the floor. Clide starts to run over to them before I grab him as My father looks over at us and starts walking closer. 'Aw.. I missed you guys! Jail is pretty lonely Y'know. I missed your company Ash.' He starts to continue walking closer and I back away until I'm against the railing of the cliff and I can barely focus my eyes anymore. 'Aw, Good to see I still scare you. It should be that way.' Clide steps between us but my father points a pistol at him from a distance that Clide can't reach it at. 'Stay the fuck away from my Beta!' I notice my father staring down at Clide's hand before I notice Clide is holding a gun and as Clide goes to aim it at my Father he shoots at Clide's hand then at his shoulder. 'Sit the fuck down, this is between me and my kids. not ranks!' 'Clide are you okay!?' 'I'm fine..' My father starts walking towards me again before he freezes in place and grabs at his stomach and I notice him bleeding. 'You always were the quiet one weren't you Kid?' I watch as my father turns and I notice Andrea standing behind him and she starts to back away as my father aims the gun at her and I run over but I hear the gun fire first and I freeze. 'Alpha's aren't meant to 'Earn it' You're either born an Alpha, or you die an Omega, Like your mother!' He turns to me lifting the gun to me but he drops the gun before his face falls and he drops to his knees before falling down on the ground and I run over to Andrea who's still barely holding herself up on her knees. 'Andrea-' 'Don't fucking ask if I'm okay.. You've been nominated for driving.. Obviously..' I help Andrea get up and help her back into the car and Clide gets into the passenger's seat while I go grab Grant tossing him into the back before I start the car and start driving to a nearby hospital. My Anxiety is not helping me right now..

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